Chapter 57

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Zayn and Harry heard her thrown up they waited and waited which caused her fiancé worry he ran towards the bathroom finding her on the floor not moving got on his knees resting his head near her heart hearing it beating Zayn entered closed the door looking around the house noticing a small head on the couch and television is on the cartoon channel he decided to look walking towards the couch slowly so this small thing don't get scared clearing his throat knows the owners of this house will kill him for entering their house without their permission noticed a small feet turned to see clearly it is two years old girl she had small curls and her eyes are focused on the television “dada" she said smiling which caused him to smile back her eyes are green “who..." Mariam cut Harry off from the bathroom coming out Zayn is already scared of this curly haired lad “he is my biological older brother" she said which caused them shock and brought tears to Zayn's eyes looking at her from head to toe he noticed her baby bump Mariam walked towards her brother smiling happily “Zayn this is my daughter her name is Darcy and this is my fiancé his name is Harry take a seat you must be hungry we've been trying to make breakfast for hours" she introduced said laughing Zayn took a seat “make yourself at home" she added smiling he nodded smiling back Mariam walking towards Darcy picking her up sitting her on the high chair walking in getting the plate of fruits that she made her from earlier “Mariam" she turned after putting the plate in front of Darcy sighed softly pulling him to the backyard already knows what Harry is going to say but still wanting to know “what is it babe ?" she asked as they got seated could see him sad and nervous “I..." she cut him off “Zayn isn't dangerous at all I trust him around us and I know that Darcy will love him don't worry" she said smiling stood up walked in towards the kitchen started preparing for their breakfast Harry is still feeling the same he still always think that lad could hurt them but Mariam said that she trust him “baby please" he said turning her they doesn't know that Zayn is looking at them he also scared and nervous to be around her fiancé but trust and believe Mariam “Harry I can't leave him live on the streets I am so thankful that god bring us back after all these years please he look so innocent" she said Zayn stood up walked towards the front door opening it “Zayn" she called ran towards him closed the door he looked down in sadness “hey don't leave you're safer here come on" she said smiling walking towards the stairs climbing up to Darcy's bedroom “sorry about him you are my biological brother I am not letting you go ever also I know that you were already living on the streets since Marco killed our biological parents since you have to pay him money don't worry big bro I already killed him four months ago you are more safer here I will talk with Harry don't be scared he won't hurt you" she said smiling stood up kissed his forehead walked out of the bedroom to the stairs climbing down “Harry" as she walked towards the kitchen while he is making breakfast sighed softly kissing his back “I know that you don't trust him just yet relax and see that he won't hurt you or me neither our kids Zayn is scared of you" she said whispering the last few words “okay baby I will relax and see but if..." she cut him off “no Harry no I can't let him go" she said shaking her head walked towards Darcy who already finished her plate of fruits “Harry I told you in the backyard we're family remember if you don't trust him break up with me" she said while washing the plate putting it in the cabinet walked out of the kitchen to Darcy picking her up walking towards the bathroom Harry is shocked by hearing her saying that he can't believe that Mariam would tell him for break up he sighed softly knows that Zayn is her only family member for her Harry doesn't want to hurt her feelings for letting him go neither her to go not seeing his kids ever Mariam has five months left for giving birth to Tyler “sorry I wasn't supposes to tell you that we been together for years and through a lot also kids to raise even I raised my kid from Niall on my own I don't trust myself doing it again with two this time don't want our kids to live without me" she said walking towards the stairs climbing up to Darcy's bedroom “hey Zayn" Mariam said smiling entering the bedroom the little girl giggled in her mother's arms she got seated on the other bed she started love you right sweetie this is your uncle" Mariam said smiling happily at her two years old girl “dada" the little girl said giggling which caused Mariam to laugh “sweetie dada is downstairs this is your uncle Zayn say it" she said Darcy giggled clapping her hands “uncle Zayn" the little girl said giggling cutely Zayn is so happy to hear his niece “yes this is uncle Zayn you are a good girl" Mariam said smiling Darcy giggled clapping her hands happily Zayn I am really sorry about Harry's behaviour he just overprotective I am trying my best to let him understand that you are the only family member I had since our parents death if you..." he cut him off it's okay sis I know that he is the daddy of the family and your fiancé wants you and your kids to be safe I am not leaving you since I have no one expect ya sis but I am one hundred percent sure that Harry will trust me and knows that had no place to live" Zayn said the last few words sadly looking down Mariam putted Darcy on her bed “Zayn Zayn don't say that you now had a home and a family again which is me and Harry also your niece and nephew I am not letting you go ever he will trust you sooner okay don't feel a shame for not having anything now you have all ya needed" she said smiling happily making him look at her he nodded smiling sadly Mariam kissed his head walked out of the bedroom after picking Darcy giggled which caused her to laugh kissing her forehead

A vampire girl fell in love with two boysKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat