Chapter 37

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*two months later*
The pass months was so hard to mariam thankful for Angelina and her husband for helping her Daniel sitting on the chair seeing his mother like this she already gave birth but feeling so weak and tired might die and might not Angelina hold the little girl on her arms drinking her bottle of milk since her own mother is sleeping still the little boy looked at the woman who is carrying his baby sister she looked at him sadly rubbing his hair and wiped his tears they connected to her phone but getting no answer Harry and Niall started searching in every hospital sitting on the bench Harry's hands on his head Niall is rubbing his back telling him they found them “we could go to the Johnson's house" Harry said looking at Niall which caused him confusion “the Johnson's house ? who is this ?" the dark brown haired lad asked confused the curly haired lad let out a sigh “her neighbour's next door" Harry answered there is an oh left Niall's mouth as the curly haired lad stood up walking towards the car followed by the dark brown haired lad “Mrs Johnson Is mummy gone now ?" Daniel asked she running her fingers through his hair “I don't know Dani" the woman answered giving him a small smile Harry and Niall arrived at the Johnson's house they got out of the car walked towards the house the dark brown haired lad rang the doorbell stand next to the curly haired lad after few minutes a man opened the door “hello how can I help you ?" he asked holding the door not showing them inside since the lads thinks they might find them here “hey I'm Harry and this is Niall" the curly haired lad introduce answering the man looked at from up to down “and what do you want ?" the man asked the adults at each other then at him “there is a girl lives next door to you she had a..." the man cut Niall off “yeah yeah mariam right ?" he asked smiling they nodded repeatedly finally got information “actually she is in the hospital giving birth wait a second" the man said walked inside they waited he came back with two piece of papers “she left you this I guess the girl is between life and death this is name of the hospital by the way my wife is with her and Daniel too" the man said giving them the two piece of papers they thanked him walked back to the car “she is between life and death my daughter won't see her mother forever" Harry said after they reached the car Niall helped him in the passenger seat running towards the driver seat since the curly haired lad can't drive while he is shocked by her this “dear Harry and Niall I am so sorry for anything bad done by me to you everything you two done to me was so amazing and fun always caring about my happiness even though killed my parents you know that our love is dead after you two left me please come back save me from my parents I miss you and love you please come back Niall Daniel misses you too Harry Darcy misses you too" Niall reads looking at Harry who looked at him with teary eyes “we should save her Harry" the dark brown haired lad said the curly haired lad nodded in agreement not able to say anything as Niall started the engine going to the hospital mariam still sleeping the little boy got bed shaking her awake “mummy" he said crying has no idea that his daddy is on his way to him but his daddy doesn't know that his mummy still sleeping the adults Harry got out of the car first running towards the hospital “the woman gave birth here she is between life and death had an eight years old boy please please tell me her room's number" he said asked the nurse at the reception “sir relax and I'll get you to her just sit" she said he did as told walked towards the chair Niall already sitting “Harry don't have to run" he said looking at the younger lad “I can't lose her Niall" he said the nurse told him the number of the floor and the room they walked towards the elevator pressed the button Harry is impatient the doors opened got in the button to the floor it reached the curly haired lad looking at every number until he found it “we can do it Harry" Niall said rubbing his best friend's back knocked on the door someone said come in they looked at each other confused but ignored it opened slowly “hey Harry and Niall" a female voice spoke standing smiling at them Harry's eyes noticed his daughter that he can't wait for her to be here walked towards Angelina “wait..." she got cut off “gave her to him she is his daughter" mariam said so weakly she coughed “mummy" Daniel said Niall walked towards the bed after Harry took his daughter from Angelina's arms who opened her but the vampire woman cut off telling her she wants anything and thanked her for everything asking her to close the door “babe we're sorry for leaving you" Niall said shamely mariam looked away pulling her son against her more she looked back at him closing her eyes letting the tears fall he wiped her tears looking at Daniel “mummy can I play with my baby sister ?" the little boy asked mariam coughed nodding smiling so weakly Daniel walked towards the couch where his uncle is holding his daughter and the little boy's baby sister “might die anytime in any day I wish could see the kids growing and learning hold my hand know that you and Harry will take care of the kids" she said he held her hand mariam looked up at him “don't cry" she said Harry stood up walked towards Niall “holding her she is your daughter also" the curly haired lad said the dark brown haired lad looked at mariam who nodded smiling so weakly he took her from his arms “hey I have missed you so much heard everything but can't lose you baby please to leave us" Harry said sitting she careless his cheek took his hand on hers pulled towards her lips kissing his palm sitting up straight kissing his lips “you should get me out seriously they doesn't know any way to get me health" she said so weakly coughed which caused him confusion stayed silent for collecting her words “I will tell you what to do but the kids can't be with us" she added then explaining what Harry will do to get out of hospital he understood what to do like mariam after killing her parents years ago Niall took Darcy and Daniel she changed into clothes nobody could recognise her the curly haired lad throw his daughter's baby bag over his shoulder then walked out of the room to elevator they already found it here got pressing to the ground floor

A vampire girl fell in love with two boysWhere stories live. Discover now