"You're so stupid." Atsushi muttered under his breath, he finally released Akutagawa but before he could question what he'd said Atsushi landed a square punch to his face.

Akutagawa went down immediately but was quickly brought back up by Atsushi pulling at his shirt.

"You idiot! You think I'm settling for you!? You think that I'm better off with someone like Lucy!? You think you don't deserve to be with me!?" His grip tightened on Akutagawa's shirt but he slowly lowered his head onto his shoulder.

"I'm not... I'm not settling... You are the only person who gave me unconditional love, despite me treating you as harshly as I have. Despite us once being enemies. Despite me not saying I love since the day you gave me this ring, I promise you that my feelings never wavered. I never said I love you back as I didn't think I deserved to love you. You've survived so much, you've lived a fuller life than mine. So tying you down with something like this made me worry." Akutagawa could hear Atsushi's quiet sobs as he stopped for a second.

"I don't want to take your freedom, especially when you gave me mine." Akutagawa couldn't take it anymore, he pushed himself to sit upright which caught Atsushi by surprise.

"We're both a bit of a mess aren't we?" He questioned, his voice was so soft towards Atsushi. He cupped his boyfriend's cheek with his left hand and rubbed his thumb across his cheek. Trying to wipe away a tear that had fallen although Atsushi's face was full of them so he didn't accomplish much.

"I guess we are..." Atsushi sputtered out as he gave a small laugh in amusement.

"How about you ask me again?" Atsushi was shocked at this, part of him thought Akutagawa never wanted to get married. Quickly regaining his composure he made sure there was no tears upon his face.

"Right, ahem." Atsushi coughed into his hand as he mentally prepared himself once more.

"Ryuunosuke Akutagawa, you have helped me since the day we met. Either through small minor actions or large life changing ones. Despite your appearance of being a stone hearted individual I have learned that is not true, you care. You care a lot more than people give you credit for, and I am lucky to have received as much of your heart that you have given. I know we have had our differences, and that we don't see eye to eye all the time. But it would be an honour if you would agree to marry me. So Ryuu, will you marry me?" Even though Akutagawa had told him to repeat his proposal it was still nerve racking for Atsushi who was shaking ever so slightly.

"Yes." Akutagawa smiled as he answered, as Atsushi looked up at his now fiancé he could see the moon behind him illuminating all of his features. Atsushi could have compared this moment to an angel looking at him, it looked so surreal.

He quickly got over the surreal perspective he had of Akutagawa and moved to put the ring on his hand, Akutagawa admired it upon his hand. It was a beautiful mix of a golden yellow and an amethyst purple. As he looked to his fiancé he realised something.

"Your eyes... You remembered..." He smiled so softly, he'd once mentioned to Atsushi that his eyes were his favourite thing to look at. They were so beautiful and unique, he'd always felt lucky to have a lover with such astounding eyes.

"Of course, now if I'm not next to you, you can look at that ring and you'll see your favourite part of me." Atsushi smiled with a soft blush on his cheeks, however it deepened when Akutagawa grabbed at his waist.

"I won't need to," He pulled Atsushi close to plant a kiss on his lips. "Because I know you'll always be by my side." Even though Atsushi had been the one to propose with a grand speech he melted at his fiancé's words.

"But just so you know... I might not be the best husband."

"I know."

"I might hurt you again..."

"I know."

"I might not be able to love you the way that you think..."

"I know."

"And I- What did you have for breakfast?"

"I kno- Hey wait a minute!" The pair burst into laughter recalling the memory. Atsushi just grabbed his face and spoke lovingly.

"Despite what you may do, or what I may do, I will love you regardless. And I imagine you will do the same." The elder nodded and planted another kiss on Atsushi's lips. They parted for a second smiling at one another. Atsushi was going to kiss Ryuunosuke again but he sneezed away from him.

"Sorry, it's just really cold." Akutagawa apologised as he began to shiver slightly. Atsushi shook his head at his words. There was no need for sorry between the two of them.

Atsushi grabbed Akutagawa's hand and began to drag him to their apartment. It was a bit of a distance without the train but they'd get there.

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