21. The Absolute's Voice

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The next morning we move on from Moonhaven and push into the wilderness once again. The forest trees are thick here, and a roaring river cuts through the landscape below. A gentle breeze rustles the leaves, and birds sing merrily from branch to branch overhead. Nature is here in abundance. It's a peaceful setting, one that could relax even the most weary of traveler.

But as we push ahead, there's a sudden disturbance in the atmosphere. The tranquility is replaced by voices in the distance, jagged, ripping through the stillness of the air. Two voices wailing, sobbing, pleading. Down the trail, not much farther ahead, we discover the source of it.

Two people, a man and a woman, hunched over the body of an injured dwarf. The dwarf lies on the ground in a pool of his own blood, barely conscious.

"You're a True Soul," the woman pleads. "You can't die. Please stay with us."

"I don't think he's conscious," the man says, his voice shaking. "Can you hear us, Ed?"

As we come upon the scene, the man and woman notice our presence, and rise to face us.

"You," the woman warns us. "Not a step closer."

Her eyes meet mine, a threat flashing behind them. But as our gazes lock on to each other, a symbol emblazons itself on skin around her eye. I recognize it as the same symbol that appeared over the goblin's eye back at the blighted village. As as the symbol glows, I feel power coursing through me. Authority.

"I will go where I wish," I say, trying out the parasite's power again.

The woman reacts to it. The warning in her eyes dissipates, replaced with realization... then sorrow. "I"m so, so sorry," she says. "It's our brother - True Soul Edowin. He's injured, and I... I wasn't thinking."

My blood runs quicker in response to the command, feeling the gnawing absence at the center of my mind. The injured man on the ground locks eyes with me. The parasite in my head writhes. As I holdh is stare, our minds intertwine. I see his siblings, the man and woman by his side - Andrick and Bynna. New recruits. Mine to shepherd."

Protect them, Edowin projects the words into my mind.

And then, out loud to his siblings, he tries to speak, but his voice is weak and faltering. "Mind the True Soul," he instructs them, referring to me. "She will - she - she..."

His life fades as his lungs push out the last breath of air. And then he is gone.

"Edowin!" The man named Andrick cries. "Ed! Please!"

"He's gone..." Brynna says, her voice hollow and empty. "He's with the Absolute now."

The two bow their heads in brief silence before turning to me.

"A True Soul," Andrick says, the pain in his voice painted with relief. "Thank the Absolute. Edowin, our brother - he was chosen. Like you."

"Do you have orders for us?" Brynna asks. "We were reporting to Edowin."

"True Soul?" I ask, my mind still buzzing with confusion. Maybe now is my chance to get answers.

"What...?" Andrick asks, dumbfounded. "Are you... are you testing us?"

"A True Soul - like you," Brynna explains, "has been chosen by the Absolute. You speak with her voice. Your words are her command. She grants you the power to enforce her will. And when the time comes, the True Souls - you - will rule."

"Please," Shadowheart mutters. "Any supposed new god would have an uphill battle."

I ignore her comment, continuing my questioning. "What happened to your brother, exactly?"

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