5. An Oath of Vengeance

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Astarion and I spend most of the day scouring the beach and the wreckage site looking for supplies, clues, and possibly more survivors. And while we find a useful thing or two, we have no luck when it comes to other signs of life. So far, the elf and I appear to be the only ones.

We travel along in silence for some time, each of us too lost in our own thoughts to strike up conversation. And even though I know what we're both thinking - that neither of us can trust each other as far as we can throw each other - still, it's nice to have some company on the road. It's nice not to be alone on this harrowing journey of uncertainty. It's nice to have somebody who is going through this too... even if that somebody was just holding a dagger to my throat a few hours ago.

I come across another crate along the shore, buried half way in the sand, and I pry the lid open with my raw fingertips, hardly noticing the splinters that burrow themselves into my skin. I don't care about pain. The only thing on my mind is survival. With some force, the lid peels back, and I begin rummaging through the crate's contents with frantic purpose.

I'm surprised when Astarion finally speaks. I'd already almost forgotten the sound of his voice, mellifluous like butter... inviting... almost... sensual. Even when he was only speaking about something mundane like the weather. It was almost too smooth... too perfect. As if it was trained. Some sort of an act. Still... his voice, his appearance, his mannerisms, they all command attention. He's good. Better than any bard I'd ever seen.

Of course, when Astarion does finally speak it's nothing useful. Just him sarcastically poking fun at me.

"Digging around in the refuse like a starving beast? You have a manner of irresistible desperation about you. I like it."

I flip my head over my shoulder, my eyes shooting daggers in his direction. "Well, excuse me for trying to take care of us. Why don't you get down here and help me look for something useful?"

"Hmm... No thank you," he replies, sounding almost bored. "I'd rather not get my nails dirty, if it's all the same to you. Besides, you're doing such a lovely job already, I'd hate to be a distraction."

My irritation is audible, nearly snorting through my nostrils like an angry bull. "You really are a princess..." I say under my breath, too quiet for him to hear.

"I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that," he says, ducking in closer so he can hear me better.

Ugh, I think I liked him more when he wasn't talking. I grit my teeth, forcing a pained smile, not even trying to hide my annoyance. "I said you must have lead a pretty cushy life back at Balder's Gate. Please, do tell me about yourself."

"Oh, what's to tell?" Astarion replies, sounding bored again. "I'm a magistrate back in the city - it's all rather tedious."

"A magistrate, huh?" I sit back on my heels in the sand once I've finished rummaging through the crate. "Well that does explain things. Lucky you."

"Lucky..." he hums thoughtfully, and there's a look in his eyes that I don't quite catch before it's gone. "Well... what about you?" He changes the subject quickly. "What's your story?"

"My story?" I blink, blindsided by the question. For some reason, I didn't expect him to ask, and well... I didn't have a good answer  either, thanks to that pesky amnesia. "Well there's not much of a story, I'm afraid. I don't remember anything before waking up on the nautiloid."

"Really? Are you sure you're not just lying to dodge the question. Because I would understand if you were."

"I'm not," I insist. "I don't know why, but I can't remember anything.  Maybe... maybe the mind flayers did something to me. Maybe it has something to do with the tadpole in my head. Either way, my past is just an yawning, black void in my mind."

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