Chapter 8

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(Didn't reread so ignore mistakes 😼😼👊👊‼️‼️)

Stan's POV:

My pencil tapped on my desk for the 1,243 time... 1,244 now. I was trying to write a song about Kyle, but he was to hot to put into words... So that's why I'm surrounded by crumpled up pieces of paper.

A knock at my door snapped me out of thought. As soon as I was gonna say come in, the door opened. I wasn't surprised when I saw Kenny come through the door.

"Dude, pick up your fucking room. It looks like you went insane in here." He said, jumping over dirty clothes that were on the floor. "Because I did" I responded.

"Not surprised" Kenny sat on my bed. I turned my chair around to face him "Is there a reason you're in here?" I asked, my voice having a slightly annoyed tone.

"Marj and I are thinking about going on a date, we're wondering if you could come a long and be a third wheel." Kenny explained. "Why the fuck would I want to be a third wheel?" "I don't know... So you could learn from us and ask Kyle out.." Kenny smiled.

"That made zero fucking sense... Fine.. I'll come" I sighed. "Yes! Maybe you can be our napkin buddy" "what is a napkin buddy?" I asked, is Kenny on something...? I thought.

"Like you can wipe the excess food off our mouths" He is definitely on something. "Get out of my room so I can get dressed." I sighed and pointed to the door. Before he could say something I cut him off "and no you cannot watch me get dressed" Kenny made an "aw" sound and walked to my door, opening it then leaving and shutting it.


Sorry it's so short, I haven't been having a lot of motivation recently. I mean you can kinda tell because of the gaps of the dates.

Here's a little silly picture to silly up your day/night:

Here's a little silly picture to silly up your day/night:

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I wanna be publicly executed with a rope around my neck.

*epic outro sounds*

★Concert 🎸★ | Style SP | Band auWhere stories live. Discover now