Chapter 11: Another step towards living

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A few hours earlier...

As the funeral procession was finished, the Moriarty brothers along with their comrades went back to the mansion. As for Mycroft Holmes, he decided to talk with Ms Hudson and John over a cup of tea.

Louis can't help but feel uneasy, it was as if something bad had happened but he couldn't figure out what. Upon reaching the Moriarty mansion, everyone noticed how quiet and lifeless it feels even though William is supposed to be home base on what Louis had said.

Louis' stomach dropped a bit as he thought about what might happen and so, he and Albert decided to check William room to see if he's there. They thought that William had simply gone to sleep because of the lack of sleep the man had had.

As they both walked up the stairs, Louis can't help but spilled his feeling of uneasiness to Albert to which he responded he had also been feeling the same ever since William stepped out of the funeral.

They stopped in their tracks for a bit to look at each other, they didn't need to say anything because their eyes had talked. They quickly dashed towards William room and knock, waiting impatiently.


They knocked again, and again but there were no answers. Louis bit down his lip as he opened William door.

"Will?" Albert called out. After getting no response, they pushed through the door to see the room empty but then they spotted a folded letter on top of his desk.

They both walked over to the letter and also spotted the shiny gold and silver ring on another letter, they decided to read it.

To my dearest, Sherlock Holmes. It read. Both of them looked at each other and carefully moved the rings off and read through the letter. As they were reaching the end of the letter, their hands turned cold. William implied that he wanted to commit suicide again.

Albert quickly took the other letters and unfolded it. Louis whose mind was not clear asked Albert to read it aloud for him and then their suspicions were correct. They didn't even make it all the way through the letter but they ran out of William room frantically and made their way down the stairs.

"You all! Go and find William!!" Albert ordered as all of them looked confused. "Of course but why—" "Don't ask anymore questions just go! Please!" Louis begged as he cried before running around the house looking for his brother.

I hope that you find it within your hearts to forgive me. I love you both so much, and I hope that you may find happiness in my absence.

These lines from the letter rang through his ears like a bee. What did he mean 'his absence'! He wouldn't do that, would he?

The search went on for a few more minutes before they gathered in the living room again. To their dismay, no one caught a glimpse of William until a yell from Albert caught their attention.

"It sounded like its from the garden, quick" Fred informed as they all made their way to the garden
and Louis heart dropped.

His brother looked lifeless in Albert's arm, his pupil white, his hands cold. Had William drunk a poisoned drink?

The other were shocked, they didn't know what happened but what they do know is that William needed help immediately and so Bond sent a telegram to Herder while the other helped Albert get William back in his room.

As William was getting his health checked, Albert and Louis explained everything and showed them the letter. They all had their eyes wide opened, some of them had tears in their eyes. They wanted William to wake up, they wanted him to be okay but they didn't know if it was possible or not.

"Fortunately, you found him before the poison did greater damage, any more time means less chance of saving him. I managed to remove most of it and the rest is up to him, whether he decided to fight against death or just give up"

So now they had to play the waiting game with their heart in their hands.

He is now awake but he still can't open his eyes. He needs to open them. His whole body hurts, his head is throbbing so painfully, his blind eye also hurts, his chest hurts, his whole body hurts. It hurts everywhere.

He frowned in his mind as he tried to open his eyes, it flinched. Finally after a few more try, he got it to open just slightly a bit to see many pairs of eyes staring at him, it felt overwhelming. William frowned as he turned to his window where the moonlight was reflecting.

William was glad that no one has said anything because he wouldn't be able to answer anyway, his throat hurts. As if Louis sense his discomfort, he dismissed everyone except himself and Albert.

William redirected his gaze back to meet them, tears were threatening to spill from his eyes. Albert sighed as he came and sat next to William on his bed and patted his head. "You don't have to say anything, Will. I understood why you did what you did and... I'm glad you're still here" William nodded as he closed eyes, the tears started to roll down.

With raspy voice, he apologized to his brothers. "I-I'm sorry.." he whispered as he opened his eyes again. His voice was broken. He felt embarrassed, he felt scared. Scared of what his brother would say.

He sighed as he tried to get up but the throbbing pain from his head pulled him back down, Louis noticed this and went to William immediately, helping his brother to sit up.

Louis looked at William and smiled. "I'm so glad you chose to live once again, brother" Albert nodded as he rubbed William's hand in a comforting manner and spoke up. "We understand that you were in a difficult situation. Whatever Mr Holmes had provided you during your first step towards living, we will try our best to give you"

Tears continued to stream down William's face as he nodded, feeling the weight of their love and acceptance. He was so so so glad that none of them decided to scold him or judge him. Instead, they showed nothing but unconditional love and their understanding. "Thank you," he managed to say, his voice still filled with emotion.

Albert squeezed his hand gently. "We're here for you, Will. Always. We'll help you through this, whatever it takes."

"Oh right!" Louis spoke up as he reached for something from his pocket and took out a handkerchief folded neatly to prevent something inside of it from falling. Louis gave it to William as he explained, "I thought you would want this as soon as you wake up"

William looked at Louis as he unfolded the handkerchief, revealing his ring and Sherlock's. William smiled as he slipped both of them on and thanked the both of them over and over.

As they sat there, having deep conversations onto each other, William knew that he had a long road ahead of him. There will be tears, it would be painful but he had made a promise. He knew that with Albert and Louis by his side, he would have something to hold onto.

William finally genuinely smiled again for the first time since his husband death. He glanced out the window and saw the moon. It was beautiful.

Sherly, I'm taking another step towards living. Are you proud of me?

Mourning Him | Sherliam (Sherlock X William) |BXB|Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя