Chapter 3: Broken

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The fresh air of London caressed William's face gently as he walked along the not-so busy sidewalk. He had no destination in mind, he just wanted to walk and walk and walk to clear his mind or to busy his mind.

William had his mask back on again, no more emotions roaming. His once sparkly ruby eye is now lifeless, dark, soulless. He deeply missed the detective who had save his life and became his reason to cling onto living and now he's gone, William is lost.

As he was wandering deeper, he came across a beautiful elegant water fountain, oddly enough it reminded him of the time the detective and the ex-lord of crime met in the Noahtic.

With his legs completely gave up on him, he walked over towards the water fountain and sat on the edge of it. For some reasons, a new wave of tears threatened to pour out of the scarlet eye.

No—William exactly know the reason why he wanted to cry again.

—Two years Ago——
——Brooklyn, NY

"Liam!" Sherlock called out to William worriedly as he ran towards the crying man sitting on the edge of the water fountain in the middle of the night.

William had appeared to be missing in midnight which was the reason why the detective is panicking and running around Brooklyn finding the missing blonde.

Without saying anything, Sherlock immediately wrapped his arms around the younger's figure as the latter trembled against his partner. Porcelain trembling hands were slowly making its way to return the gesture as William dropped his whole body weight onto Sherlock, burying his heads into Sherlock's chest.

"Shh.. it's okay, I'm here" The older man reassured the younger one as he whispered sweet things into William's ears.

After the blonde appeared to be calm for a bit, Sherlock pulled away from the hug and kneeled down in front of his beloved. Being it was in the middle of the night, there aren't many people around them actually it was as if there are none at all.

Sherlock brought one of William's hand to his mouth and kissed it as he put it back down on the blonde's thigh, caressing it. "Ready to talk?"

William sighed as he nodded. "I had a nightmare Sherly.. you.." William sniffed as he brought his teary eyes to meet the pair of blue orbs. "You died.. and I don't know what I would do if you died! I still need you to be my pillar and I can't live without you—I love you so much and I can't bare seeing you so lifeless—" "Liam" Sherlock called out to William as he smiled warmly.

"Death is natural but right now, I would never leave you alone, not according to my will anyway. I would never abandon you, sweetheart. I love you so much" William's tears stained eyes widen as he smiled.

Sherlock brought a hand up to touch the scars on his blind eye. "You are so breathtaking" Sherlock whispered as William giggled. The blonde brought up a hand to held the dark-haired man's hand on his face as he leaned forward and gave a peck to the detective's lips.

"Let's go home, Liam" "But I'm already home, you are my home Sherly" Sherlock smiled as he got up from his knees and took a seat next to William. William let his head rest on Sherlock's shoulder as he closed his eyes.

"Liam, don't sleep here. We still have to get back" No respond. The detective sighed as he looked at the fast asleep blonde and smiled.

——Present Time——

The memories of his lover in Brooklyn was sweet, hurtful but still the best thing in his life. It was pure and all came from the bottom of each parties' hearts. Right now, Liam is sitting on the edge of a water fountain, at night time except it wasn't the same.

The detective can't come running to Liam with his concern eyes or scolding tones then whisper in his ears with gentle, soothing words anymore because he is dead.

William sobbed as the memories of the detective kept replaying and replaying in his head. Everywhere he goes, it reminded William of him, and it is painful.

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