Chapter 8: Right Person, Wrong lifetime

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"As we stand here today, we would like to say our condolences to the family of Sherlock Holmes, his friends and lover..."

The funeral of Sherlock Holmes has taken place shortly after his arrival. Mycroft had been the one preparing everything, with the help of John Watson and Ms Hudson who were as equally shocked and saddened by the news.

However, William was not taking it lightly as he was the one affected the most and who could blame him? After all, Holmes was designated one to close the story of Moriarty and Holmes but instead of doing so, he had jumped after Moriarty, risking his own life.

It was Sherlock who stayed by William's side when he was in a coma. It was Sherlock who was there in William's first step towards living. It was Sherly who was by Liam side, helping him with nightmares and cleared every doubt Liam had.

However, it was also Liam who had helped Sherly coped with his obsessive drugs abuse and helped Sherly lived a healthier life. They both helped each other in different ways and so, when the sudden news of his beloved detective is dead reached him, he was stunned. He couldn't completely believe it until now.

As they were lowering Sherlock's coffin down to the deep hole, the sudden realization of reality hit William hard like a train. He would never be able to see the gorgeous, handsome face of the detective again. He would never get to see those gorgeous sapphire orbs looking lovingly at his ruby orbs anymore.

"William, are you ... how are you feeling?" Louis came behind William whose gaze was fixed at the people, burying Sherlock's coffin. William sighed as he shook his head. He had promised Louis to take better care of himself so he decided to always tell the truth to his brothers.

"I don't know how I'm feeling Louis. There's so much going on" William turned around to face Louis. "Louis, can you help Lord Holmes with the closing ceremony? I ... I don't think I can continue to watch this without crying anymore" Louis smiled at his brother and nodded, "Anything for you, brother"

William smiled and turned back to the grave, taking a deep breath and wiping away the tears that had started to fall. He knew that Sherlock would want him to be strong, to continue living and serving his atonement.

He then head back to the Moriarty's mansion as a completely different person. He so badly wished he was back in Brooklyn, back in his shared flat with Sherlock. He would do anything to relive that moment again.

As he got into his room, he started writing a letter dedicated to his detective, although he knew the letter wouldn't be read by the designated person it was for.

To my dearest, Sherlock Holmes

Mourning Him | Sherliam (Sherlock X William) |BXB|Where stories live. Discover now