Chapter 4: Scarlet all over his arm

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As William calmed down for a bit, he decided that it was time to head back to his house, to discuss properly about his husband's funeral. William got up from the water fountain and started to drag himself back to where he came from.

After a while, he reached in front of the door. Hesitantly, he opened the door and stepped in, closing the door behind him silently so that he wouldn't disturb the asleep people.

"Senior William" a voice called out in front of him. William turned to the direction of the voice and he weakly smiled. It was Billy. "Please.. take a seat. I have something to tell you" Billy weakly smiled back as William made his way to sit on the couch across from Billy.

"So.. I would like to start by saying.." Billy sniffed as he took his eyes off William's gaze. "I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry for the death of senior Ponytail. It was easily preventable but my foolishness blinded me.. I'm so sorry" William sighed as he spoke.

"Billy, it isn't your fault. Sherlock wanted to protect the innocent, and by doing that he lost his life. It isn't your fault. Surely it was preventable but he rather had himself as the bait and let himself died alone instead of many others dying. Don't blame yourself, okay?" William reassured Billy as he reluctantly nodded.

A flash of light caught Billy's eyes as he diverted his attention to the shiny object on William's finger, he smiled.

"Coward.. Senior ponytail said that he would propose to you a year ago and now look at him, propose to you through a letter" Billy weakly chuckled as William frowned.

Sherly had been trying to propose to me for a year? How could I not notice this?

"I will try to not blame myself for his death.. now since that had been cleared. Let me talk about his body" William tensed as Billy looked at him again. "Due to some reason, the detective agency in New York had prohibited us from taking his body back to London—" "What?!" William exclaimed furiously as Billy raised his hands and quickly continued.

"—for a few days! Since it had already been 2 days since his death, I believe we will get to retrieve his body tomorrow. I will make sure it will be early morning. Until then, we can plan a funeral for him" William calmed down as he nodded.

"Is.. that all?" William asked Billy and he nodded in response. "I will go now since the detective agency had gave me a telegram to discuss about the death of Sherlock" "I will see you out"

The both of them got up from their seats as they made their way to the front door. After Billy was out, William was all alone in the mansion again, well-the only person awake at least.

As soon as he was alone, he started feeling lonely again and he had gotten used to the loneliness for a long time but the empty space were filled by the presence of the dark-haired man. William frowned as he caught himself thinking about Sherlock again.

Feeling thirsty, William went to the kitchen to make himself some tea. After preparing the kettle for boiling, he turned on the stove and put the metal over the burning fire, waiting for it to start steaming. While waiting, he decided to have some fruit as he hasn't eaten all days and he had promised Sherlock that he would take care of himself—well he promised to him when he was still alive.

There's no point in taking care of myself anymore, you are gone Sherlock. William thought as he quickly shook off the negative thoughts. No.. I must take care of myself for Louis and Albert.

Feeling determined, William took out some apple and started to peel it with a knife but his concentration was cut off again with another memory of the man back in their house in Brooklyn.

Brooklyn, NY

"Sherly!" Wiliam scolded Sherlock as he laughed and smirked at William. The younger had been trying to teach Sherlock into shaping fruits into animals but the older one deliberately messed up.

"I swear, if you don't get this one right, I will lose my mind" Sherlock grinned as he took the apple from the Blonde's hand whose face was plastered with an angry expression.

Cute. Sherlock thought as he started to shape the apple into a beautiful swan this time with no mistakes.

William smiled as he saw the stubborn man before him finally gave in and succeed in doing so. "Good job, honey" William cooed as he pressed a soft kiss on Sherlock's cheek who was grinning widely.

"Ya know, you would make a good house wife" Sherlock winked as he handed the apple swan to William. "You think so?" William asked as he took the apple swan from Sherlock and kept in on the table. He then wrapped his arms around Sherlock's neck, in response, Sherlock wrapped his arms around William's waist.

"You are excellent in everything, my darling" William smiled as they passionately kissed, feeling the warmth of each other's bodies.

"Ah-" William let out a quiet scream as he felt blood pricking from his hand. He had accidentally cut himself while cutting the apple because his mind had been distracted by the memories of a certain someone.

William winced as he quickly run his hand under the water to wash the blood away and it stung him but.. it oddly brought him.. pleasure.

Feeling slightly influenced by his negative thoughts, he subconsciously picked up the knife and moved it across his left arm. He watched as the line changed color then blood came. He slightly smiled as he does it again, and again, and again, and again... until his arm was cover in blood, he became conscious to what he had done.

Panicking, he accidentally dropped the knife and it made a clashing noise, he cursed under his breath as he quickly ran his arm over the cold water to quickly get the blood off before anyone could see but it was too late because when William looked back up, he saw Louis with a shocked expression.


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