This was Berk

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;-; last chapter!

I just gotta say, this series ending killed me. I grew up with it, as many of you did, and it made me long for adventure (and to have a dragon of course). I'm so glad to have been able to have this growing up, because not many people know these movies even exist.

Thank you all so much for reading this story, and without further delay, the final chapter.


Third Person P.O.V

The Light Fury looks back at him with wide eyes as she regains her senses, Hiccup falling with Grimmel still holding onto him. She cries after him before swiftly turning to Toothless and (Y/N), racing to them.


The Sonic Angel gasps when she sees her friend, (D/N) still regaining himself as his vision starts to clear. He gasps when he sees (Y/N) and Toothless, attempting to rise but falling as the Sonic Angel whines at him, lowering him.


The Light Fury collides with Toothless, sending them flying to the cliffside besides (D/N) and the Sonic Angel. (Y/N) grunts as she roughly lands, rolling with a yelp of pain before scrambling to her feet.

"Hiccup!" She screams, reaching her hand out to him with wide eyes as he continues falling.

The Sonic Angel opens her wings, pausing as the Light Fury roars over at (Y/N), (Y/N) wasting no time in rushing forward.


Time seemed to slow as Hiccup gently smiled up at his love before grunting as Grimmel grabs at him.

Hiccup fights him off, Grimmel reaching up and blindly grabbing at him as he rips off his wings.

He falls, grabbing onto Hiccup's prosthetic leg with a furious scowl.

"Hiccup!" A voice shouts urgently, making his eyes widen as he looks up.

The Light Fury shrieks as she dives after him, (Y/N) holding on and reaching for him, the Light Fury's wings whistling against the wind.

Hiccup gasps softly and looks down, Grimmel screaming as he quickly unhooks his prosthetic.

"No!!" Grimmel shrieks as his grip was lost on Hiccup with the prosthetic, his arms flailing.

The Light Fury angles her body to the side as (Y/N) grabs under Hiccup's arms just before he lands in the water, Grimmel not so lucky. She pulls him onto the Light Fury, panting lightly as she hugs him tightly.

The Light Fury swerves up, peeking over her shoulder at him with a soft rumble as she tilts her head.

"See? I knew you'd come around!" Hiccup shakily laughs, his heart hammering in his chest as his body trembles lightly from adrenaline.

(Y/N) turns, crying in relief and hugging him tightly as he hugs back just as tight.

The Light Fury flies up to the group, landing while panting lightly as Hiccup dismounts her, (Y/N) doing the same.

Dragons roar as they start returning to New Berk, Cloudjumper and Malin landing together as (M/N) and Valka proudly look at their children.

The Vikings all cheer as they start rushing to them, the others landing with smiles of relief.

Hiccup hugs (Y/N) to his side with a wide smile before looking over at (D/N) and Toothless.

(Y/N) helps him stand, his arm around her shoulder as the two quickly rush over to the dragons. Hiccup lowers himself in front of Toothless, chuckling.

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