chapter twenty nine

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*3.05*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

'of course, nobody in beacon hills ever listened to reason, so it was inevitably going to go to shit'


"Lotts? Lotts? LOTTIE?!" Stiles called out to his girlfriend as she laid across the long backseat on the obscenely bright yellow school bus. Clutching her abdomen, she blinked her eyes slowly open and looked up at her boyfriend who was looking down at her, concern flashing across his features. "You good? It's just you went very still?"

Groaning lightly, Lottie lied through her teeth, "I'm fine, Batman. Just thinking." Lottie sighed, shutting her eyes again, listening to Stiles and Scott prepare for the upcoming exams.

"Anachronism." Stiles stated, reading off his tablet to the sweaty looking werewolf.

"Something that exists out of its normal time." Scott grunted out a response.

"Nice. Next word: Incongruous." Stiles congratulated, moving swiftly on, mildly masking his annoyance at Scott hiding his pain from the events of the night before.

"Um... can you use it in a sentence?"

"Sure. It's completely incongruous for us to be on this stupid bus headed to some useless cross country meet after what just happened." Stiles scoffed.

Lottie let out a dry laugh that resulted in a chesty cough as Scott sighed and answered, "Out of place. Ridiculous. Absurd."

"You got that right." Lottie mumbled as she tried to adjust herself into a more comfortable position.

"Perfect. Next word: Darach." Stiles tried as Scott sent him a warning look as Lottie flinched slightly at the word: flashbacks entering her mind. "We gotta talk about it sometime. And we're going to be here for the next five fucking hours." Scott ignored him and just looked out the window at the passing landscape. "Fine. Next word: Intransigent."

The bus hit a bump in the road and Scott sat up with a gasp whilst Lottie let out a huff of air, trying to control her breathing.

"You okay?" Stiles asked Scott, unaware of his girlfriend's discomfort. Scott stiffly nodded his head, a pained expression on his face. "We shouldn't have come."

"We had to. There's safety in numbers." Scott grunted out.

"There's also death in numbers. They call it a massacre." Stiles responded sarcastically. "Bloodbath, carnage, slaughter..." Stiles trailed off when he saw Scott was dazed, barely interested or listening. "I'm getting Coach to stop the bus." At this point, tears had made their way to Lottie's eyes, threatening to spill over.

"I'll be fine by the time we get to the meet." Scott argued.

"Let me take a look at it." Stiles reached for the hem of Scott's shirt, tugging it as Scott placed his hand over Stiles', stopping him as he panted out his protests which Stiles ignored. "Look, if you're okay, then stop being so intransigent and let me see it."

Scott reluctantly nodded and lifted his shirt, revealing three slash marks, covered in crusted blood. "I know it looks bad, but it's because they're from an Alpha. It'll take longer to heal." Scott tried to argue, he knew there was one thing that would make Stiles leave him alone, it involved his best friend laying behind them - but he didn't want to drop her in it - not yet anyway.

"Then how come Boyd and Isaac are fine?" Stiles asked.

Scott ignored him, having no answer, turning back to the window and watching the world blur past with one thought on his mind. "I can't believe he's dead." Lottie let out a whimper. "I can't believe Derek is dead." A silent tear fell down the young girl's cheek at the statement as the three were cloaked in a heavy silence. A silence that was eventually broken by the shrill sound of Coach's whistle.

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