"Noorul Ain's father called me this morning." That was one of many things that he appreciated and admired about his father. Yahya Ali Dawar was a no-shit person; somebody who wouldn't speak unless it benefited or provided for him.

Zaviyar's mouth curled with anticipation. He didn't want to hear anything bad or disastrous but he also knew that if he wasn't a part of it, he wouldn't be sitting there with his father who was always ready to shove a stake down his throat. He hadn't done anything but it didn't mean he wouldn't do anything, it was only a matter of time before he retaliated. If there was one thing that he couldn't measure- it was Ali Dawar sahb's anger and Noorul Ain's pain.

"What did he say?"

"He is sending Noorul Ain to us." He said as if it was nothing. He said as if it didn't really mean anything. He hadn't slept properly in the last few nights, fearing the depth of her pain. He couldn't pass by a second without thinking about how she was dealing with it alone. He hadn't spent a single moment without regretting his actions. It wouldn't have impacted her so much if he had broken it off way before- when he should have instead of playing on and airing the fire.

"What?" His thoughts then moved to his wife. His wife- she had just begun to make herself at home. She had just started to walk around without worry as though she had lived there all her life. She had just started to accept everything she was given. And she had just been giving her everything to her in-laws. The slow giggles, the amused faces, the happy smiles and everything else would be taken away from a woman who was already rotting in guilt.

"He is going away for a while. Istanbul, for a conference and he doesn't want to leave his daughter alone in this situation." Ali Dawar sahb had his eyes on his son to process the changes in his expressions and he watched it morph from confusion to emptiness. His eyes dilated for a moment, thinking about the way it could change many things in his life. He had just begun to settle things that had been messed up.

"But baba I beg to understand his judgment. Wouldn't it cause his daughter more pain to see her ex-fiance living with his wife?" The pain- nobody would know better than him. It was a kind of pain that staked a person's already bleeding heart and he had gone through it when he watched his wife getting ready as somebody else's bride. He didn't want it for anyone else, he definitely didn't want it for a person like Noorul Ain. People like her deserved the world and beyond.

"I know." He sighed, uncrossing his legs and leaning back.

"Then how could you accept it? Let her heal first."

"You know why I favor Noorul Ain so much. She is the last living reminder I have of my dead sister."

"Baba," In that whisper, Ali Dawar sahb heard his son's guarding walls shiver and go down a little bit. In that whisper, Ali Dawar sahb realized his son was relapsing to the time of helplessness. In that whisper, Ali Dawar sahb heard more than just anguish. He didn't make his son go through hell for him to fall weak later in his life. Zaviyar Ali Dawar was much stronger than that but it was a moment where he wanted his father on his side.

"I'll try to take care of it, just be sure to go along with me." Ali Dawar sahb assured although his son didn't seem to be trusting him.

"What about my wife?" The father might do all he could to keep it under covers but he would run to the end of his fate to keep his wife with him for the rest of his life. He was still wary- Zaviyar Ali Dawar was still wary and yet to recover from the cruel pain from that evening. The man was yet to trust her and he was already pushing his way to the end to keep her away from the demons of his life. What would be made of him when he did trust her? How far he would go, the world can only imagine.

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