Chapter 17: Tuning In

Start from the beginning

It was a similar feeling to waking up tied to an oversized cutting board in the Witch's cottage after eating those poisoned apples.

Exposed to the elements of the dark forest and its dangers, I glanced over my shoulder to assess my perceived safety. "Maybe we should get to the safe zone before the next game starts."

"Good luck with that." Dylan saluted to me as a farewell and tapped his brother's arm, turning back the way they were initially trying to escape to.

"Well, wait a minute." Spencer stopped him. "There's a safe zone right there." He pointed a few feet away to where the Witch had eagerly waited for me after I spoke with Mother Holle through the TV screen.

"Let her have it." Dylan shrugged toward me. "You really want to be in there with another person we'll have to keep an eye on? No thanks."

"It's right there!" Spencer pointed with his open palm. "We wouldn't have to go searching for safety or run from that man wolf. She's not gonna try anything, right?"

Their sights landed on me.

I shook my head in annoyance. "Like I said, I don't kill people. Never found it entertaining or an incentive for money. I didn't sign up to hurt anyone. I'm only here to get my sister out."

Spencer seemed to consider my words, but Dylan blatantly rolled his eyes dismissively.

"Twenty million dollars is a hell of a lot of money," Dylan said. "You gotta know how life-changing that is. And you're telling me you don't give a shit about that?" His skepticism irritated me, but I couldn't do much to convince him.

"I'm here for my sister." I shrugged. "Not to hurt or help anyone else. So, you do what you want with that." I turned and made my way back into the wooden safe zone.

Not even a minute later, the brothers were at the door. They poked their heads in as they cautiously peeked inside with curiosity.

"What happened in here?" Dylan eyed the damage of the tossed items and battered monitor. "Did the Witch somehow get in?"

"The monsters aren't allowed inside, dumbass." Spencer huffed. "That's the point of safe zones."

"I did this as a fuck you to Ms. Holle," I admitted, joining them as they looked at the scattered debris.

"Ms. Holle who?" Dylan's eyes narrowed in confusion.

"Mother Holle? The show runner," I clarified. "The one running this whole operation."

Spencer cocked his head. "This almost seems personal."

"She was the one who convinced me to join by dangling my sister's life in my face."

"I spoke to a man over the phone who told me my brother signed up and required me to join alongside him to be eligible to win. Because he was already in the middle of the Games and dropping out meant death, I joined him."

My gaze landed on Dylan. "You couldn't back out? They told you guys the only way out was death? What happened to being volunteers?" I often wondered why those who participated never gave up.

"Once you agree to their guidelines—" Spencer started.

"—sign that contract," Dylan clarified.

"—you've committed and have to see it through," Spencer finished. "The only way out is to win or die."

I remember Millie telling me the same thing. Did we all sign under different terms?

"But that contract should be as legal as signing on a paper napkin in mustard, especially for them signing up a minor." Spencer hugged the door jamb, keeping the entrance open as he spoke from the outside, obviously still cautious of fully entering.

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by Leslie Lee Sanders
A young woman must compete in a deadly televised competition, Grimm G...
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