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 Nabeh after weeks of trying to best his own warding finally created a strong enough link to the Phrost, immediately reaching out to the queen Ratha who, while elated, feared the reason for his abrupt appearance. The warlock wasted no time spilling Safri's tea, not surprised that the woman was privy to the majority of the information.

"Protect her Ratha. I've created a link between us so if you need me, if she needs me, please reach out" Nabeh begged before reaching out to Takiia who had a guest.

"King Mytho" Nabeh nodded respectfully.

"Enough! What the hell is going on Takiia" King Mytho said sternly, motioning to Nabeh. King Mytho cornered his wife wondering where she went nearly every day, why she was always locked away in her study, where Aymon had begun going but she denied knowledge of any extracurricular activity; she was now caught.

"Apologies my king, my queen it's time. It's worse than we feared. We must tell him now" Nabeh warned, watching the color drain from her face.

"Is it really that awful?" Takiia gasped, bringing a delicate hand to her chest when the warlock confirmed.

"From the beginning" Nabeh encouraged. Takiia sadly told the king and her mate about her first meeting with the white-haired little girl. Still before revealing who she was, Queen Takiia informed King Mytho that it was Ryo who introduced Oni to the child and that King Corthos of the Woodlanders allowed his own daughter to play with the girl.

"So Ryo has fathered a bastard child! The disgrace, the shame that wil-"

"It's not his child" Nabeh quickly interrupted, further agitating the clueless king. Takiia continued her tales of the tea parties, teaching her to read and the friendship between her and Aymon.

"Get to the point Takiia, who is this child!" Mytho demanded growing tired of the secrecy.

"You've been hiding her, letting her roam the castle grounds, allowing her near Aymon when you know he needs to be protected! He's ou-"

"She too was born with the Gods Eyes!" Takiia finally aired out, effectively quieting her husband. Asking both rulers to sit, Nabeh decided to continue their tale himself, deciding to first state that it was he who asked both King Corthos and Queen Takiia not to tell him right away. Nabeh explained that the first break in the clouds, the disruption of the wards and the renewed life of the land did not start with Aymon as the crown's advisors suggested.

"It started with the birth of Safri Avazii, Princess of The Phrost and bearer of Elee en Arvandor" Nabeh paused his tale briefly letting the king process before continuing. He then informed King Mytho that though he had secretly come back every century or so to strengthen the wards, she could pass through un-scathed as if they weren't even there.

"It's been you all this time?" Mytho asked again believing his chosen warlock, Zwa, had been maintaining the hold. Nabeh rolled his eyes at the assumption, the crown's warlock he felt was a fool and incapable of the task but did not voice the opinion. Nabeh could feel Queen Takiia's heartache along with King Mytho's rage as he informed them that Ryo had gone to King LuVon behind his father's back, brokered a deal with the Phrost king and was using his daughter.

"He'll kill her, he'll kill them all" Queen Takiia whispered to the others.

"You don't know that"

"I do. I know you want to believe that Ryo is following in your footsteps, but I know my child" Takiia shook her head begging her husband to see reason. Takiia stood firm since she truly believed in her heart that Ryo would terrorize the lands.

"I love my son, but he is arrogant and entitled. The people fear him, and fear is not respect" Takiia added with clear concern but again the king dismissed the notion. Mytho felt in his heart that Aymon was Takiia's favorite, because she had been hinting from the day the boy was born that he was the one to rule, being the bearer of the Gods eyes. Mytho felt she was trying to manipulate the situation.

"This must be handled delicately, your grace. If Ryo or LuVon finds out that she's been spending all her time with Ay-"

"You two will cease this plot against our son! Your future king" Mytho said sternly pointing out that Nabeh was not the crown's warlock.

"Your words mean nothing here Nabeh as you abandoned this place long ago" Mytho scoffed leaving Takiia stunned. Nabeh sat unfazed, bored even at the rant waiting patiently until the king quieted.

"You forget with whom you're speaking, King Mytho. I am old enough to be your father's father and if not for me the Phrost would have overtaken the lands long ago so have several seats." Nabeh scoffed.

"Everything I do is for the salvation of the Overworld and ensuring that that pompous, arrogant, tyrant you call a first born will never rule it is one of them". Both King Mytho and Queen Takiia were floored by Nabeh's boldness when addressing the man he still called his king, as the warlock added that a seer had witnessed the devastation of Ryo's reign.

"By the time you truly see your son for what he is, it'll be too late. The darkness in his heart will have awakened and the death of thousands will follow" Nabeh warned, taking his leave. King Mytho turned to his wife who had the look of disgust in her eyes, she knew in her gut she was right; the events after proved it.

Ryo headed to Glla Libwru once again looking for anything he could find about the passage between the Over and Lesser worlds and how to close it, forever. While combing the shelves he heard the laughter of children which was out of place since children were not allowed in the building, so he followed the sounds amazed and angered by the sight of Aymon and Safri holding hands and giggling together. Ryo said nothing but watched closely at their familiarity with one another, they shared inside jokes, and their bond could be felt. After they'd gathered a few books, hand in hand they left, seemingly unaware that Ryo followed them to the Woodland jump. Once the children went through, Ryo raced to see Zwa.

"I feel as though I am competing with a child!" she ranted. Zwa knew the first prince wanted something, he burst through her door in a frenzy of heat and took her with passion, with intent but Zwa couldn't deny him. Even now as she lay bare beneath him but his focus per usual was elsewhere.

"All this for a kid you plan on killing. You can't possibly feel something for that little phrostling twat who doesn't know her vaaj from her ass! " Zwa argued.

"This is important my love, I'm doing this for us" he lied smoothly. Pulling her into his arms Ryo assured the crown's warlock that she would one day rule at his side, that Safri was just a means to an end. The lie fell from his lips with ease until Zwa kissed him deeply and prepared to send him away. Ryo began bedding the crown warlock very quickly after her rise to power, he knew having her loyalty would come in handy but her emotional attachment Ryo hadn't expected. He'd yet to determine how to escape the many promises he made while maintaining her loyalty but for now he'd continue filling her head with fictions written by her own heart's desire. Zwa was tiny in stature but shapely, a powerhouse that obeyed his every command.

"It won't be long before the mutant demon takes its last breath and you, my love, sits at my side as ruler of both Fwl'Qudm and Qudm'Ashe"

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