Derby Day

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Dawn's first rays washed over the room with elegant ease, painting its walls in a faded azure- a cold but calming setting as hails of rain splattered soundly against brittle windows.

John's arms gently wrapped themselves around Zoey's waist beneath steamy waters, soothing her body to drop in its tight tension and melt against his own. Her slippery golden locks sprawled across his bare chest, glistening slightly under contrasting elements of the glowing fire crackling beside the tub and the cool tones of winter sneaking through from the outside.

The stillness she had longed for was finally here, but Zoey knew it would leave as soon as it arrived. Emerald eyes varnished over in empty thought, fixating on the drops of rain tapping against the thin glass, Her mind completely elsewhere as she embraced these moments she had left with him. Utter bliss.

"What are you thinking about?" He'd whispered warmly into her right ear, sinking in further as he imprinted a silky kiss on the end of her shoulder. John had been consistently worried over her, he knew it would take time for a full recovery but there was just something off, something he wasn't able to put his finger on. All he knew was that she was half here, with him and half elsewhere.

Pulling away from her own self-induced trance, she meekly answered "Nothing," but her words were unconvincing, and reached for a cigarette before contradicting herself, "And everything."

"Are you sure you're up for going today?" He'd asked again for the 10th time in the past 2 days, lighting her smoke for her as his arms pulled a light from the counter beside them while she'd settled back into his hold.

"I made a commitment, I have no choice." It made him feel ill at ease hearing such little emotion in her tone, while smoke escaped her lips.

"There's always a choice." He reminded, attempting to make the girl in his arms feel better- and she could see he was trying which hurt her more because the more he tried the worse she felt. It was unfair, for both of them.

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