Art Deco

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Overlooking her club, Zoey couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in herself. Although technically the Eden Club was her husband's, in her inheritance from which she had managed to successfully forge with the help of Alfie's higher friends. It would soon all be hers, along with a couple more companies and a few of her favorite homes- one in central London, one in the country, and the other in Italy and of course, her car.

Now all that was left to do was wait. Wait for her perfect opportunity, for Zoey had learned from her husband and brothers, with every great plan comes very great timing. 

"There she is!" her emerald gaze shifted slightly to the side in anticipation of her brother's presence, yet she refuses to give him her full attention. "Our leading lady!" Clasping one of his hands on her shoulder, causing a subtle flinch- Zoey chose to ignore it except for the glass of champagne, he held under her nose.

Now both her brothers were just as bad as one another when it came to business, but Eddie had a surprising charm about him. He's friendly and always talks with zest, but the casual niceties are contrasted by an intense stare that lingers for a little too long framed by a pair of wild eyebrows. "Taking good care of this place I see," Eddie lent forward, letting his hands rest over the rail as he toked his cigar, "Most popular jazz club in London I reckon." 

Letting her eyes drop down to the wild picture below her, Zoey couldn't help but let her lips twitch upwards. She had created this, a place where people of all kinds gathered to let go of their mundane lives and fall into the freedom that came with the night. "It's a sight to behold." was all she uttered before taking a sip from her glass, "How's Charlie?" She lent herself up against the pillar, as she reached for her purse.

"Charlie's Charlie," Eddie responded vaguely, letting his hand on the rail hold him up as he reached for another glass from one of the waiters, "Tony's doing his nut in with all this Peaky Blinder business though."  

"Peaky Blinder business?" she asked with false innocence as she lit up her cigarette, of course, she knew about it, she had in fact done research on them and implored Alfie to contact their boss in hopes he'd put aside his ego and accept the reality he needs more men to win this war.

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