victory is ours

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The night had indeed begun in raw bloody violence, but the higher the moon hung in the sky the sooner their unethical business had shifted into a wild celebration

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The night had indeed begun in raw bloody violence, but the higher the moon hung in the sky the sooner their unethical business had shifted into a wild celebration. First, it started, with shots, a couple of bottles of champagne and whiskey, and a few lines here and there, until eventually, the clocks declared the party to an end.

Arthur, much to Zoey's surprise had managed to leave with at least 3 women, she hadn't realized how popular he happened to be with the ladies but never the less bid him goodbye with a kiss on the cheek and an impressed smirk, mirroring John's.

As the trio went their separate ways, John and Zoey managed to bag a lift of one of the more sober boys in the group. The vehicle was overcrowded with men, all drunk and singing, Zoey was placed on John's lap with her legs sprawled across the laps of the other boys as they all passed around their last bottle of Irish whiskey for the night, howling in slurred and disoriented voices to any sing along they could manage to remember the words to.

Their antics hadn't stopped there, slipping out of the car, Zoey instantly stumbled a bit due to the slippery cobble street against her heels which in her intoxicated state she reacted by kicking them off and carrying them instead. Next John came hurtling out still singing rather obnoxiously loud causing a not-so-appealing laugh to come flying out of the younger girl's mouth as she hunched over to catch her breath.

As they began to make their way down the watery lane, their drunken singing continued to torment the sleeping residents. The pair seemed to bring out each other's childish nature, not wanting their blissful night to come to an end, both proceeded to dance as though they were still in London celebrating their victory. Twirling her around, John was much too focused on her unbreakable grin to even notice the light drizzle- he hadn't seen her so happy in the entire time they'd spent together.

"I've seen you with a girl or two, oh oh oh, I am surprised at you!" Zoey belted out the rest of their sing-along as she used the nearby lamp post, hooking her arm around it to spin around facing John who was admiring her from only a few paces behind. Both of them seemed to have read each other's mind as they paused for dramatic effect before simultaneously shouting the chorus, "Hello! Hello! who's ya lady friend?!"

"Who's the little girlie by your side?!" John sang as he lifted the girl off her feet once noticing she hadn't had any shoes on, but he'd taken her by surprise, causing Zoey to give out a light gasp before erupting into a fit of giggles and continuing their song until reaching the doorstep.

The kids and Benny were at Polly's so neither of them had to compose themselves or worry about waking anyone up.

Like clockwork, as soon as they'd stepped inside the singing had stopped due to John wasting no time crashing his lips onto her own. He wanted to do it for most of the night, but Zoey had discussed with him that she won't be a part of any public displays of affection until she'd established her own safety and what she wanted.

He'd guided her into the living room without breaking their kiss, she'd only noticed once her back was pressed against the wall. Zoey would be lying if a part of her was dreading this point of the night, her main concern was that it would bring on some unwanted reminders and memories but with John, it all felt natural, nothing was forced, their chemistry was mesmeric and their body's moved as though she were the ocean and he was the wind, forming fluctuating waves together.

John's hands had been planted softly on each cheek but the deeper the kiss had become the least restraint he'd have, as they both slipped down to her neck and then to her breasts as he pushed himself against her further causing a light shudder as she tilted her neck for him to kiss, which he did without hesitation. It was quite obvious he was desperate for her, he couldn't contain his hunger any longer. Soon enough his fingers began to trace themselves over her, "Should we go upstairs?" He pulled away only slightly, the heat of his breath still remained against her skin, and the hot air warmed her goosebumps as he continued to tease her into giving him.

And she wanted to, so fucking badly. But all of her instincts pleaded for her to stop and not to take things too far before she was no longer in control. "John," it came out as a small angelic whisper, so light and feathery only he was lucky enough to hear it. In doing so he paused, looking down at her. He could feel himself hardening at the sight, of those lighthouse-like eyes drawing him in like they always did. "I'm nervous."

John wasn't taken back by this at all, in fact, quite the opposite. Moving his hand, he gently cradled her cheek, instinctively brushing his rough fingers into tucking a loose silk strand behind her ear in an attempt to put her at ease. This was one of the hand full of times she'd let herself open up to him, and he felt almost honored that she was beginning to trust him. "Why?" He asked her, his eyes softening as they studied her own. "You're the one in charge remember?" And with that, it was almost as though she saw the greenlight and smirked deviously, pulling him back down to her level and reconnecting their lips.

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