Why do you smell like a chimney?

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It wasn't too much trouble burning down the Marquis, in fact, it was enjoyable to watch it burn, satisfying in its own way.

 And as John strode home, puffing rhythmically on his cigar he debated with himself on whether he would tell Zoey. Apart from him knew she'd understand, she was practically an expert when it came to the unwritten rules of criminality but she was also a woman trying to change, a women who wanted to get away from it. But after their argument and her running off to London with Tommy, John didn't want to risk another outburst- in the little time they'd been together it was more than obvious than not she was a flight risk. Which was something John was used to, his father had abandoned him, Lizzie had chosen Tommy over him and Esme left while he slept- so he walked the night, avoiding puddles with ease, one hand in his pocket subconsciously clutching his gun, silently arguing with himself until he reaches his doorstep.

"Hello Benny," He greeted the large dog sprawled out at the bottom of the stairs, not bothered by the man's presence as he stepped over him. He tried not to be too loud coming up the stairs, not wanting to wake the kids like he usually ends up doing due to his heavy-handed nature.

He made his rounds, checking on the kids until he reached Zoey's room. Without realizing it himself, he'd hesitated to reach for the handle. Still conflicted, he hadn't known her long enough to tell if she would want him around just yet or if she needed more time to cool off, though this inner argument was interrupted as Zoey abruptly opened the door herself. 

He felt a wave of Deja Vu, taken back to the first time they were alone together. Charmingly disheveled, her golden locks perfectly knotted, one strap slipped off her shoulder while her eyes were half drowsy, half-wired. It was quite obvious she'd just woken up from a drunken nap after her long day in London and heavy drinking with his sister, it came as no shock to him. "Why are you lurking outside my room?" He could still smell the gin on her breath as she'd lazily leaned her shoulder against the archway, waiting for an explanation with a blunt intoxicated expression. 

"I- um, was coming to check up on you." He answered sheepishly, slipping off his cap and into his pocket.  

"Sure you weren't coming to snoop around some more?" She digged, impudently resting her hand on the dip of her hip. 

At that, John could help but let out a small smirk at her attitude, to be honest, it turned him on when she was like this. 

"What are you smirking at?" She snapped slightly, her brows knotting together making him laugh quietly shaking his head. Causing her to burn with further irritation. 

"Your just so beautiful." Was all he let out, knowing there was nothing else he could say that would ease the tension. At that, Zoey rolled her eyes and sighed before pursing her lips and responding in a small huff turning her hill and waltzing back into her room, leaving the door open which was a good sign for John as it indicated she wanted him to follow. 

Watching as she sat back down at her vanity, she ignored him and began to start placing her hair in rollers. "I'm sorry Zo," she met his eyes in the reflection, she could tell he was sincere by the way his eyes softened to their light blue core. "I shouldn't have-" 

"No, you shouldn't have." She finished his sentence off for him, clearly, she'd spent too much time with Tommy. But her stand-offish demeanor soon faded as she twisted round to face him, "But I know it was a misunderstanding." She'd given in, making John's shoulders drop in relief. "And I may have overreacted too." She admitted. 

"You didn't-" He closed the space between them, his hands so eager to touch her again. "I was being a hothead but I was scared." He told her, causing her to look up at him with big, gentle green eyes.  "I was scared because everyone I love eventually leaves me." At this she took a moment, she appreciated and felt honored he was willing to admit vulnerability, it took courage, it was something she struggled to do herself. Slowly rising up to him, she began to run her fingers through his hair in a soothing act. Which was appreciated as he shut his eyes, indulging the comfort she provided. 

"You are the only man in my life who I trust, Johnny." She confessed weakly, "There is no one else on this earth who makes me feel as safe as you do. I won't give you up that easily." She'd sealed her promise with a sweet kiss, to which he'd broken it with a bursting smile resting his forehead against hers. After a few minutes of simply enjoying each other's reconciled presence. "John?"  


"Why do you smell like a chimney?" 

"Long story." 

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