Prologue 4

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A/N So hello guys. Sorry for the late update. I was a little idealess for my San and Mingi update but hopefully you guys like it. Please let me know what you think.

''CHOI SAAAAN'' His dad screamed from inside the pack house. You see, San had to learn from the older Alphas how to hunt. But 5 year old San never liked the idea to kill, so he sneaked out of the pack house and ran to his special spot.

His spot was near a beautiful lake with a lot of fish and beautifull flowers. And it had a little bridge going over the water were you could sit.

That is what San liked to do, sitting by the water. Just to relax and play with the fish and water.

San was born in an Alpha pack, his pack lived in the Deja vu forest in a bog castle called wolfgang castle.

The castle looked like a regular castle but then all black walls. Close to the entree was a big gate with Wolfgang castle written on it. Around the castle were big trees a lot of grass and flowers.

Deja vu forest was next to the Outlaw. San always wanted to visit the outlaw because he wanted to make friends, but his dad always tild him that the outlaw was a place where wolves hated Alpha's adn were they killed their alpha's. So because of that he never visited the place too afraid to go to a place where he wasn't welcome or even killed.

''CHOOI SAN COME BACK RIGHT NOW'' San heard his dad yell again. He didn't want to go back, because he knew he was in trouble for not going hunting with his pack.

So San came out of the water quickly and transformed in his wolf form. He was about to run away when he heard footsteps. He turned around and saw a wolf standing in front of him, it was Jungwon, his dad second in command.

''Come on San lets go back'' Jungwon said through their link.

''No I am not going back, daddy is mad at me'' San sent back. Jungwon was walking up to him while San was slowly backing away from Jungwon.

''Sannie, he is your dad, he will understand if you talk about why you didn't come along'' Jungwon lied, knowing Minhyuk had a plan to get San to hunt with the pack.

San stopped walking backwards and signed heavily. San understood that he had to go to his dad one day or another, so why not get it over with.

''oke fine, I will come with you'' San said with a sign, afraid of what his dad would do.

At moments like these San missed his mother. His mother passed away two years ago. His dad refused to tell him how his mother died. One day his mom was hugging him on his bed and the next day he was looking at his mother lifeless body on his paretns bed. Till this day San doesn't know what happend to his mother. And when he tried to talk to his father about it, his dad would get mad and scream at him for telling him to stop asking.

San then slowly walked towards Jungwon. Toghter they walked towarsd the castle. With a heavy heart he walked back.

When Jungwon and San came back to the house, his dad was standing in front of the door. His arms were crossed over each other while his right foot was tapping on the wooden floor. Looking at his dad he knew he was in big trouble.

''Choi san where were you?'' his dad asked rather calmly which San did definotly not suspect.

San transformed back; San stood in front of his dad with his head bowed down to the floor.

''Sorry father, I just don't like hunting animals just for practice'' San said softly with his head still bowed.

''Uugh you are just like your mother thinking about the animals, instead of thinking about your pack. San you need to learn how to fight so one day you can take over the pack.'' Minhyuk said while he stopped his foot tapping and looked at his son sternly.

''Now I will give you two choices. One you learn how to fight and hunt for your pack and stay here or two you are banned from the pack and live somewhere else. Then I don't really care where you live. I can't have a son who can't fight.'' Minhyuk said with a angry expression.

At this San started to cry, because he thought his dad would never ban him from the pack. Didnt he love him? So San picked the only choice he had, that was to learn how to fight even though he wasn't looking forward to it.

''Owke daddy, I will learn how to fight'' san said while wiping his tears with his palm.

''Good choice my son, you start tomorrow. Jungwon will teach you how to fight,'' Minhyuk said proudly while patting his son on the head.

''Oke dad'' San said sadly. Jungwon and his dad walked back into the house, leaving San alone with his thoughts. His dad was telling Jungwon what he wanted that San would learn from him. San was looking at his dad with tears in his eyes.

''Why would he give me that choice, I thought he loved me.'' San thought his hatred for his dad growing by the second.

So that is what San did for the next 14 years training and hunting with his pack. Growing stronger each day, no one in his pack could win against him. In these years his hatred for his dad was growing by the day.

Lately his dad was only focused on winning against other packs. Taking their alpha's so that his pack would be steonger and he more powerfull.

Still Every change San got he would run to his spot thinking of a plan. You see San was planning on running away from his dad so that he could find his beta and stop his father. San was getting the pull to his beta.

San told his dad that he wanted to go to his beta, but his dad said that betas were useless. San then left his dad's office angry. Fighting with two wolves, how is that useless. San couldn't understand his dad train of thought.

San was chilling in his room when his dad called him back because he had an announcement. All the alphas were gathered in the lobby of the house. Everyone was looking at San once he entered the room.

''Aah my son, come here'' his dad said. So San walked slowly to his dad. Standing next to his dad, his dad grabbed his shoulder and continued speaking. Jungwon was standing on the left side of his dad.

''I gathered you all here because Jungwon and I found a big treasure. That could lead us to the next generation of new alphas. We found out that there is one true Omega left'' Minhyuk said proudly. San was in shock like the rest of his pack.

''But alpha didn't your dad kill al the true omega's? How is their still one left.'' a wolf in the back asked.

''Yes, that is what I also thought but we found out that a young beta couple took a true blood omega pup with them. Finding him is going to be hard because he lived with normal wolves all his life, so his true wolf scent will not be as strong. But whatever the cost is, we will find him!!! San's dad said.

''What will you do with the other omega's dad?'' san asked.

''Kill them of course they are no use to me.'' Minhyuk said while the pack started cheering, but San hated the idea.

''When we find the true omega, my son is going to breed him and we will have true blood alpha's again. After he gives birth to the pups he can join the other omegas in the sky'' his dad said while laughing hard.

So his dad wants San to breed with an omega just to kill him when his pups are born. He was not doing that. So his plan has to start a little earlier than expected. So he packed the things he wanted to take with him, and he started walking. He followed the pull to his beta. If he was taking his father down, he was going to need help.

 If he was taking his father down, he was going to need help

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