Prologue 2

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Hongjoong and Seonghwa

Seonghwa and Hongjoong were born in the wonderland caves. The cave's main entrance is hidden behind a big waterfall. The only way in the caves are by climbing big rocks stacked on each other like a big staircase. The caves from the outside looked really small but on the inside it was big. There was a big cave for gatherings surrounded by smaller caves for each family. The wolves in the Wonderland cave hunt for their own food and share what they have caught with the rest.

Seonghwa and Hongjoong were two of a lot of pups that grew up in the caves. The rest of the pups would always swim and play near the lake at the boddem of the waterfall.

But Seonghwa and Hongjoong had a special connection while they grew up together. They only played with each other and were always together. So when they were both 18 no one was surprised that they turned out to be mates. They were really happy and were always rubbing their noses along their mating marks.

Because Hongjoong was an Alpha he needed to help the other Alpha's and Beta's catching food. The omega's were forced to stay behind with a few Beta's to protect the pups and collect a few herbs if needed. While Hongjoong was away Seonghwa's favorite hobby was looking at the forest and studying nature.

The way the birds flew in the sky, the way the trees danced with the wind it was very soothing. Seonghwa would always be very anxious when Hongjoong would go out to hunt. So watching nature was a way to calm down till his love would come back with food.

Just like any other day Seonghwa was sitting in front of the lake watching nature. When the scent of cinnamon hit his nose he realized that Hongjoong was back from hunting. He turned his head and saw Hongjoong walking towards him. So he stood up and ran towards Hongjoong passing the other alphas and betas from the hunting trip.

''Omg my love your back'' Seonghwa said lovingly towards Hongjoong while putting his nose over their mating mark and inhaling Hongjoong's cinnamon smell. Hongjoong put his hands over Seonghwa's waist and put his nose in Seonghwa's neck on their mark. ''Hey baby i missed you'' Hongjoong said, inhaling Seonghwa's vanilla smell.

''I missed you to my love'' Seonghwa replied, while pulling back to look at his Alpha's eyes. They were lost in each other's eyes when they heard a lot of pups squeaking. So they stopped looking at each other and transformed and ran towards the caves.

When they entered the caves they saw an alpha pack trying to kill all the omega's. While the beta's who  stayed back to protect the omega's were captured in a corner, their alpha's and beta's who came back from their hunting were protecting the pups and fighting the Alpha pack.

When the Alpha pack heard footsteps they turned around to see Seonghwa and Hongjoong standing in the entre. Hongjoong's eyes turned bright red when he saw that the alpha pack was walking towards them. They had killed almost all the omega's in the cave. The beta’s who were captured in the corner were also almost all dead.

So when the Alpha pack saw another Omega walking into the cave their mission was not successful, so they had one more to kill before they could run back home.

The beta's who went hunting were now all dead along with the beta’s who stayed behind. The pups who were protected by the beta's were now dead behind rhe beta's. The omega's from their pack were dead beside the beta's. Only a few alpha’s were stille alive. The remaining alphas from both packs were fighting in the middle of the cave.

Five Alpha's starting to focus on killing and fighting the two new wolves who entered the caves.  While Hongjoong was focusing on fighting three Alpha's, two were slowly walking towards Seonghwa. Without realizing it Seonghwa had put himself into a corner while two Alpha's were walking towards him.

Hongjoong started to panic and tried to push the Alpha's away so he could save his Omega. But he was pinned on the ground by an Alpha while the other two Alpha's were biting at his legs. He shrieked in pain but pushed with all his strength causing the alpha on top of him to fall back. He then snapped at the other two wolves who were biting his legs, the two alpha's walked a little back so they could strike again. Before they could attack, Seonghwa and Hongjoong heard the Alpha leader Jungwon speak.

'' You five take care of the Alpha and Omega'' Jungwon Spoke. Hongjoong looked over into the caves and saw that their entire pack was killed. Hongjoong was so focused on fighting the Alpha's that he didn't hear their pack screaming in pain. Hongjoong was starting to tear up when he saw that. Then he heard the Alpha's snarling at him and slowly walking towards him. Before he could react he heard two wolves stepping beside him. 

(A/N) Sorry for the cliffhanger. Who are the two wolfs and do they want??

I dont want to speak bad about Jungwon of Enhypen. i just put him in my story because he was the only idol i know that is not Ateez. 


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