Prologue 1

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Wooyoung and Yeosang

Wooyoung and Yeosang live in a small village named The Outlaw. In the Outlaw wolves live in harmony in very small houses. Everyone knows each other. They grow their own vegetables and herbs. They have pigs, chickens and a few sheep and cows. They care for each other and for their animals. And with a few I mean not more than four.

Their field is not bigger than a square meter. So sometimes collecting food in the woods is the way to survive the winter. Collecting meat would be mainly done by the 4 alpha's and the Young pups would collect berries and other herbs.

There are not a lot of wolves who live here, so there are also not a lot of pups to Play with, and the wolves that are the same age are mean to Wooyoung because he is the only male omega in the village.

That is how Yeosang and Wooyoung became friends. Yeosang is a beta but the only one who didn't care about Wooyoung being an omega.

So thats how they became friends. Wooyoung was also the first to start to annoy Yeosang so they could play together. They would always chase each other and wrestle each other in their wolf forms.

But what they liked most was being around their little mountain and lake. So this is how Wooyoung’s addiction for water started. While Wooyoung was playing in the water Yeosang would sit on the mountain watching Wooyoung and nature. Yeosang never really liked swimming, so he would sometimes swim with Wooyoung but that was rare. The lake was not that far from the village so it was always safe to play there.

The boys were now eighteen and nineteen. Just like any other day Wooyoung was happily swimming and Yeosang watching nature. But today it was different because Yeosang felt his pull. Was it his alpha or had he mate, which was among beta's very rare. The pull came from the north were the Wonderland caves were. Which seemed like it came from the north, the direction of the wonderland caves.

While Yeosang was dreaming and thinking, Wooyoung had the idea of splashing him with water. So Wooyoung dived under water only to appear just near Yeosang and splashed a wave of water in his direction. Before Yeosang could react his clothes were soaked.

''JUNG WOOOO YOOUNG!!'' Yeosang screamed, stood up and then looked at his wet clothes. Yeosang took off his wet clothes and dropped them on the grass. Wooyoung couldn't stop laughing, his high pitched laughter echoing over the lake.

''Kang Yeooooo saaang '' Wooyoung sang when he was recovered from his laughing spree. Suddenly Wooyoung began splashing water over his already wet best friend. Yeosang looked at him with a glare and jumped in the water near Wooyoung, making Wooyoung wet in the process.

When Yeosang surfaced again they looked at each other and started laughing. They Splashed each other and continued to swim and play for hours. But then when Wooyoung wanted to push Yeosang underwater they heard their mothers howl.

That is what their mothers did when they were younger. But their mothers stopped that years ago, knowimg that their son's come home eventually. But now that they both are eighteen and ninteen their parents stopped doing that.

So when they heard their howling, both knew something was wrong. They stopped what they were doing and looked scaredly at each other.

When they heard a second howl, they hurried at of the water. Yeosang quickly put on his clothes.
They then transformed into their wolf form and ran as fast as they could back to the village.

When they arrived back at the village they transformed back to their human form and looked at the horror scene in front of them. Everyone from their village lay dead on the ground. All the houses were crushed, the vegetables and herbs were pulled out of the ground and scattered all over their village. The animals where no were nowhere to be seen.

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