Chapter Nineteen: Home Sweet Home

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After the sole mate joining, the Gallifreyan symbols on Alayna, and I's arms disappeared. I looked over to Alayna who was sleeping placidly beside me. I got up and she began to stir. "Baby." She called sleepily. "It's ok babe. Go back to sleep." I said kissing her head. She smiled and got comfy under the covers. I then walked to the console room. While in the halls, I saw the Doctor pacing. I looked confused. He's never done this before. I walked up to him. "Doctor." I called from behind him. He jumped and spun around on his heels. "Spencer! You scared me!" He playfully punched my shoulder. I chuckled. "Can't sleep huh?" I asked. "Yeah." He replied nodding. "Wheres Dalton?" I asked. "Still sleeping." He relied. "Alayna is too." I replied. "Do you need me?" He asked. I nodded. "Yeah." I smiled. "What do you need?" He asked. I already had my mind made up. I was going to ask to see my parents. "Can I see my-" I was then cut off as he took my arm. He pulled me into the console room, and to the console.

He smiled running up the few stairs to the console and pressing buttons and pulling switches. I laughed as he looked like a little kid. He flipped the largest lever, the space time throttle and we took off. We landed a moment later. I hopped to the doors with a smile on my face. I opened them, and saw my house. I bounced out and up to the door knocking on it when I got up to it. The door opened, and my mom was standing at the door. We came together in a tight embrace. The Doctor smiled. We broke the hug several moments later. "How have you and Alayna been?" She asked. "Great!" I beamed in reply. She smiled. "Thats good." She giggled stepping aside. The Doctor and I walked in. My dad was staring out the window toward the TARDIS. He then looked to the side seeing me and the Doctor. "Hello again, Doc." My dad smiled walking toward him. The Doctor smiled. My dad then gave him a hug. The Doctor gladly returned the hug. They then broke it.

"Guess what I got." I smiled. My parents looked to me. "What?" They both asked in unison. I pulled out my sonic screwdriver and handed it to my dad. "Where did you-" My dad began but was cut off as he found the button and pressed it. Making a soft buzzing noise and the emitter lighting up blue. Which made him jump as he was not expecting that. He then handed it back to my mom. It fit comfortably in her hand. "This looks pretty. Where did you get this?" She asked. "The Doctor. He gave it to me when I regenerated for the first time." I replied with a smile. My mom handed it back to me, and I put it back in my breast pocket. "So how have you been?" My mom asked the Doctor. He smiled. "I'v been great!" He replied. "Well thats nice." She said. I turned around. "I'll be right back." I said giving a small wave walking out the door. "Ok hun." She replied. I walked into the TARDIS, and to the bedroom. Alayna was up and out of bed. But she was facing the other way.

I decided to creep up behind her and scare her. "Eep!" She squealed. She then turned around, and gave me a playful slap and giggled. "Hey honey." I smiled. She returned my smile, and kissed my cheek. "Hey hun. Where's the Doctor?" She asked. "We are at my parents house. He's talking with them. And guess what I got..." I said reaching into my breast pocket. "What?" She asked. I pulled out my sonic and handed it to her. "Ooh. Its pretty." She smiled as she examined it. "Where'd you get it?" She asked. "The Doctor gave it to me after I regenerated for the first time." I replied with a soft smile. She handed it back to me, and I put it back. "Any chance he might have one more?" She asked. I thought for a minute. "The TARDIS might give us one." I replied taking her hand in mine. We walked hand in hand to the console room, and up to the console. "Any chance I can get a sonic?" Alayna asked the TARDIS. The ship responded by dinging and something popping out of the console. Alayna took it, and examined it. It had a purple emitter, and the shaft of the new sonic was golden. "Its very pretty. Thank you."

She replied placing her hand on the console and patting it. The TARDIS responded by giving off a soft whirring sound. Alayna giggled, and looked back to me. "I'm gonna go get Dalton. He's probably in the kitchen eating breakfast." She said turning back toward the halls. "Alright. I'll be with the Doctor." I said looking to the chair with my log still sitting on it. I picked it up, along with the pen, and wrote 'home' under my last adventure, 'Sole mate joining'. I then set it back down and walked out the doors and back up to the house. "Well it was nice seeing you again." The Doctor smiled. "You too, Doctor." My parents said in unison smiling. The Doctor spun on his heels as he must have heard me come in. "Hello again, Spencer." The Doctor smiled. I returned his smile. "Hello again, Doctor." I replied. "So what have you three been up to?" I asked. "Boo!" I heard from behind. I jumped. "Ah!" I exclaimed. This made everyone laugh. I turned around, and saw Alayna and Dalton standing next to each other. "Hey you two." I smiled. "Hey, Spencer." Alayna and Dalton said in unison. "Whats up?" The Doctor asked. "Just finished eating breakfast." Dalton replied. I turned back to the Doctor and my patents. "What did you have?" He asked. "Fish fingers and custard." I guessed. "Yes." Dalton replied. A look of disgust crossed my parents faces. "Thats gross." My mom said. The Doctor looked offended. "Hey!" He playfully whined.

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