Chapter Eleven: Great Britan, London

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I was in the bedroom calling my girlfriend I haven't seen in two years. Our second anniversary was a few months ago. April 1st. "Does that mean we're not boy friend, snd girl friend anymore?" I asked myself. Then I remembered we had a time machine. The phone answered. "Hey you." She said as usual. "Hey." I replied. She knew it was me because I did this accent many times before. But this time, it was a little more permanent. "Where are you know?" She asked. "In the TARDIS." I replied. "Would you like to speak to the Doctor?" I asked. "Sure!" She replied. A joyous tone in her voice. I got up, and walked back to the console room. "Doctor?" I called out lowering my phone away from my ear. He looked to me. "Yes Spencer?" He replied. "Do you want to talk to my girlfriend?" I asked. "Sure. Why not?" He said. I handed my phone to him, and he started talking. "Hello?" He asked. I couldn't hear what Alayna was saying to him. But I figured they were getting along just fine. "Bye Alayna." He said after a few minutes. He gave my phone back to me.

"I'll come pick you up later. What's your address?" I asked. She responded with her address. "Thanks babe." I replied. "I'll be waiting for you hun." She said hanging up. I smiled. I walked up to the console, and sat in one of the chairs. "Where are we going next Doctor?" Dalton asked. He landed. "See for yourself." The Doctor smiled. Dalton went up to the doors, and opened them. "It's London!" He shouted. I got up, and walked to the door. I saw we were in front of Big Ben! "Big Ben. One of London's many landmarks." I said stepping out. The Doctor stepped out, and closed the doors. "Where are we going now Doctor?" Dalton asked. The Doctor just shrugged, and smiled. "Go see some more landmarks." He said. I could practically hear the smile in his voice. We walked around for a bit, and were headed back to the TARDIS. I looked back to Big Ben, and he read '3:40'. "Wow. Time sure does fly when you'r having fun huh?" I asked rhetorically. "EXTERMINATE!" We heard a shout in the distance. The Doctor must have known what the shout was, and where it came from. "Not again!" The Doctor playfully whined. Dalton and I could tell he was trying to keep a positive attitude.

"What is it Doctor?" I asked. "Daleks." He replied. "Whats a Dalek?" Dalton and I asked in unison. "A Dalek is a creature that is the arch enemy of the Timelords. My people." He explained why his home planet, Gallifrey, looked the way it does. The Dalek rolled up the road. "EXTERMINATE!" It shouted again. The Doctors face twisted into a look of anger. "Why are you here?" He asked. I wasn't as scared. But Dalton was. His voice was as scary as when we saw the Cybermen back in Florida. "EXTERMINATE THE DALEKS!" It shouted. "What!?" I said shocked. The Doctors face stayed the same as he did bot believe the Dalek. "Thats a lie!" The Doctor yelled. "DOCTOR!" I snapped. He kept quiet. It made me feel like crap for snapping at the man I had waited so long for to take me on adventures. "He might be telling the truth." Dalton said. The Daleks eyestalk rotated over to me. "You are right." The Dalek said. "We should name him Darek!" Dalton randomly shouted. I thought about the name for a minute. "Darek the Dalek... I like it!" I replied. "Darek?" The Dalek and the Doctor repeated. "Yes." I replied.

"No Spencer! You can nit name a Dalek! It is a creature that hates everything in existence." The Doctor was dumbfounded that I would make friends with one of his peoples arch enemies. Darek rolled away crying. I looked back to the Doctor. "Now look what you'v done." I said walking toward Derek. I then heard Darek scream in pain, and heard a shot of a sci-fi sounding gun. I ran to Darek. He was on his side, smoking. We saw something inside. I looked in, and saw it was a large pink alien thing with one eye. "Derek. Everything is going to be OK." I promised. I placed my hand on the metal, and my hand started to glow. I saw his injuries disappear, and the metal close off the gaping hole. "You healed my injuries?" He asked. "Yes." I replied smiling. Even though I had no idea what I had just done. "Thank you. I hope that one day, our paths would cross again." He said sounding happy. I smiled, and patted Derek on the head. Dalton and I high fived each other, and walked back to the TARDIS which was still in front of Big Ben. The Doctor was standing outside. "I'm sorry I didn't believe you Spencer." He said opening his arms. I hugged him, and he hugged back. "It's OK. And I'm sorry for snapping at you." I apologized. "It's alright." He broke the hug, and smiled. We all walked in. Dalton closed the doors, I walked up to the console, and made yet another entry in my log. 'Great Britain, London', and the Doctor took off.

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