Chapter Twelve: A New Companion

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The Doctor lands, and I check the large circular monitor on the orange wall. It's Alayna's house! And she is waiting outside the TARDIS wearing a beautiful TARDIS blue dress with a black trim at the neck, and bottom of the dress. She also had her long reddish brown hair in a ponytail. She looked beautiful even on a monitor. I stepped up to the door, and took a deep breath. I opened them by snapping. The doors opened. She saw me standing in the doorway, but didn't know who I was. "Hello. Have you seen my boyfriend Spencer?" She asked. I hugged her tightly. A tear running down my face. "I'm so sorry." I said in a low, and voice. "Sorry for what?" She asked. I broke the hug. "I walked in, and Alayna Followed. She looked around at the beautiful console room. "Wow. This place looks beautiful." She said smiling, and giggling. I smiled, and wiped the tears away. "Hello. I'm the Doctor." The Doctor said stepping down the few steps from the console, and adjusting his bowtie. She smiled. "It's really nice to meet you Doctor." She said. I cane up behind her, and put my arms around her waist making a bear hug. She giggled, turned around, and kissed my cheek. I blushed. My arms left her waist. "I regenerated." I said looking sad. She put a hand on my cheek.

"Baby. You know I will love you no matter what you look like." I smiled. With those words escaping her lips, I smiled. She returned my smile. "You look adorable as a ginger." She said. I chuckled. "Thanks." I kissed her cheek. She giggled. "Doctor?" I called out. The Doctor turned to me. "Yes Spencer?" He replied. "Can you make us our own rooms?" I asked. The Doctor nodded, and started working. I looked back to Alayna who was meeting Dalton. I walked up behind her, and put my arm around her waist. "How have you been?" Dalton asked. "Great!" She replied. She then turned to face me. "Especially since I'm with you." She whispered in my ear. I blushed. She smiled, and I returned her smile. "I'll be right back." The Doctor said walking out of the TARDIS, and up to Alayna's house. "Come on. I'll show you our room." I smiled. My arm around her waist. She put her arm around mine. I blushed. She hadn't done that very often. We walked for a bit longer, then saw tow new openings in the walls! "Those must be the bedrooms." I said to myself turning the corner. And sure enough, they were. Both of the new bedrooms had two TARDIS blue beds in them, and an entrance to the bathrooms. She hugged me tight. I hugged her back stroking her hair. She broke the hug, walked in, and sat on one of the beds. I followed in smiling, and looking around.
"This is amazing." Alayna said smiling. I sat next to her, and held her hand.

She giggled, and lie down. I lie next to her. We both fell asleep shortly after. Then again, it was night time. Around 1:00am. We woke up some time later to see the Doctor sitting on the other bed. "Good morning sleepy head." He said in a quiet tone. Not wanting to wake Alayna. "Good morning Doctor." I said smiling. I looked down to Alayna, and kissed her on the forehead. One of her eyes opened, and she smiled. "Morning." I said. "Morning babe." She replied sounding sleepy. I chuckled. She pulled me down, and snuggled me for a bit. She let me go, and I got out of bed. I looked back to Alayna. "Are you hungry?" I asked. She nodded. "OK! I'll be right back." I said walking out of the room, and over to the kitchen. "OK... Fish Fingers, and custard..." I said to myself opening he fridge. I took out the fish fingers, and custard, and began heating it. "OK! Thats cooking! Now the tea!" I said taking some tea bags out if the cupboard, and started heating them up. Once everything was finished, I put the custard in a bowl, and everything else on a larger plate. I walked to the console, set the plate on the floor for a second, and made another entry in my log. 'A New Companion'. Off to the side in parenthesis, I wrote, 'Alayna.' I put a little heart next to her name, and picked the plate back up, and walked back to the bedroom.

I sat the plate on the bedside table. Alayna took the tea, and started sipping it. "Thanks babe." She said. "You'r welcome." I replied sitting carefully on the bed. Not wanting to spill her tea. "The reason why I look different is because I regenerated." I said. She finished her tea, and looked to me. "Regeneration?" She questioned. "Yes. It's a process a timelord or timelady goes through when they are about to die. It's a way of cheating death." I said. "Yes Spencer. Exactly." The Doctor replied. "That's why I look like this." I said. Alayna kissed my cheek, and put a hand on my chest. "I'll love him no matter what he looks like." She said sounding like she was telling the truth. She kissed me on the cheek, and I returned her kiss by giving her lips a quick peck. Dalton and the Doctor got up. "I'll be in the console room with the Doctor." Dalton said. They both started walking out of the room. But the Doctor turned back to Alayna. "Alayna?" He called out. She looked up. "Yes Doctor?" She replied. "I asked you'r parents if you could come with us..." The Doctor paused for dramatic effect. "And...?" She asked. "They said yes." The Doctor said finally walking out of the room.

She looked to me, and kissed my deeply on the the lips. I deepened the kiss, then broke it. "Yay!" She shouted. I chuckled. "We're going to have so much fun together! Going on adventures, and things like that!" I said holding her close, and lying back on the bed. She took one of the fish fingers, dipped it in the custard, and put it in my mouth. She giggled. I ate it. "Those really do taste amazing." I said encouraging her to try one. She took another, and dipped it in the custard. She ate it, and her eyes widened. "Wow! This is really good!" She said. I chuckled. "I knew you would like it." I said smiling. We both closed our eyes, and took a nap for a bit.

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