Chatpter Eighteen: Sole Mate Joining (Today)

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I woke up to see that Alayna wasn't in the room. "The joining must be today." I thought. I got up and out of bed to take a shower. When I was finished taking a shower, I walked to the wardrobe to pick out something nice to wear. I decided on a TARDIS blue top hat, tuxedo, pants, and bowtie. Along with a white undershirt. "Man... I really love the color blue." I smiled looking at myself in the mirror at how snazzy I looked. "I wonder what Alayna would think..." I said to myself. I walked back to the exit. As I was walking, I saw a cane. It had a silver ball on the end, and had a black shaft. It looked pretty. "I didn't think the Doctor would mind if I borrowed it for a day." I held it in my hand. It had some weight to it. It also had a silver tip on the other side. "Not bad." My smile grew wider. I walked out, and popped my head out the door. No one in sight. "Huh... Where is everyone?" I asked myself walking out of the wardrobe. The hallways were silent. "This is weird." I said to myself. I decided to walk to the console room. No one there.

I decided to check outside. But as I grew nearer to the door, I heard a female voice. It was Alayna's! I remember what the Doctor said. That we can't see each other until the joining starts. I ran back into the halls, and over to the kitchen because I was hungry. I didn't want to get anything on it, so I took everything off, and set it aside. Neatly folded. I was wearing nothing except my pants. The clothes looked very expensive. I decided to make chocolate chip pancakes. I got out the ingredients, and a pan.

I turned the stove on, and a flame rose. I buttered up the pan, and poured the pancake mix onto it. The sound of sizzling filled the air. I checked the clock on the stove. '8:00am' it read. I added the chocolate chips while he mix in the pan was still liquid. I then turned it over, and the other side was a golden brown. My stomach growled. I smiled. I got a plate out of the pantry, and put the pancake on it. I made a whole bunch of pancakes, and placed them all on the plate.

The smell of chocolate filled the air. "I do love chocolate." I said to myself. About thirty pancakes were piled high on the plate. I grabbed thirteen more plates, and syrup out of the pantry, and set them on the table. I put two pancakes on each plate. With about thirteen plates times two pancakes each. I did the math in my head. "Which would be twenty-two pancakes. And if everyone ate two out of thirty..." I again did the math in my head. "That would mean I would have fifteen pancakes left!" I was blown away by the number. I decided to just eat. Two pancakes was actually enough. I walked back to the bedroom, tore a page out of my adventure log, folded it so it would make a tent, and wrote on it, "Enjoy the breakfast." And underneath it, I put my initials. I walked back to the kitchen, and placed the tent on top of the rest of the pancakes, and walked out, and back to the bedroom to brush my teeth. I walked in the bathroom, and grabbed my toothbrush. I put some toothpaste on it, and started brushing.

When I finished, I took a mouthful of water, swirled it around in my mouth, and spat it out. I looked in the mirror. They were white enough already. But I didn't care. I then realized I left my clothes in the kitchen. "Oh crap!" I yelled to myself. I ran back over to the kitchen, and saw there was nobody there. I let out a sigh of relief, and grabbed my clothes. Not even my parents were roaming the halls. "They are all probably outside..." I said to myself face-palming. I walked back to the bedroom, and back in the bathroom, and put everything back on. "Great! Everything is all set! Breakfast, what I'm going to wear, teeth are brushed..." I ran through the list of things in my head. I heard voices growing louder. I decided to stay in the bathroom. Thinking they might have Alayna with them. "Spencer?" Tony called out. I decided to open the door. Tony was standing in the bedroom doorway with a black tux and pants, red bowtie, and a red corsage in the breast pocket. He looked snazzy too. Tony smiled. "Nice clothes." He complemented. "Thank you." I replied. "What do you think?" I asked.

"I think she will love it." Tony gave a warm hearted smile which I gladly returned. I am pretty well known for my funny personality, and smile. I like it. "Thank you." I replied. "Have you eaten breakfast yet?" I added. Tony shook his head. "No." He replied. His stomach growled. "You know what? I might eat it now. I am pretty hungry." He replied walking out of the bedroom, and to the kitchen. I smiled, and checked the clock on the wall. '9:01' it read. I groaned. "Ugh. I need something to kill the time." I whined.

That was the thing about me. I wasn't really a bit fan of waiting. "I could sleep, write a story, explore the TARDIS more, eat..." I started running through my head all he possible things I could do to kill the time. A lightbulb went off in my head. I could head to the library, and read for a bit! "Brilliant! The library!" I said to myself smiling. "Tony?" I called out. "Yeah?" He replied. "I'll be in the library if you need me. Down the hall, two lefts, and a right." I said. "Ok." He replied. I walked out of the bedroom, and to the library. It looked beautiful. I looked around at the infinite selection of books to choose from. I walked over to a shelf, and picked a random book. 'Stephan King: Pet Cemetery.' Was the title. "Oh! My dad always wanted me to read this." I said to myself smiling. I walked over to the chair in the corner of the room, sat down, and started reading. I finished the book in an hour. With me being a Timelord and all, I can retain a lot of knowledge. I put the book back, and picked another, and started reading.

'JK Rowling: Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone.' I'v never read the book, but I'v seen the movies. I finished that book in an hour too. By the end of my long reading session, I placed all the books back, and walked back to the bedroom to rest. When I got back, I checked the time. '4:50.' "Good. It starts at 8. I said laying in the bed. The power of sleep washed over me. I eventually fell asleep.

I woke up some time later, and immediately checked the clock. '7:45.' "Fantastic!" I said to myself smiling wide. I got out of bed, and walked over to the door. I stood in front of the closed doors, and took a deep breath. "Ok Spencer. You can do this..." I said to myself. I opened the doors to see everyone standing in a line wearing their best outfits, and smiles on their faces. When I saw Alayna, my hearts stopped. She looked beautiful. She was wearing the same TARDIS blue dress from the night I picked her up but her hair was in a ponytail, and she blushed hard when she saw me. I walked up to her, and she walked up to me. I held the cane in front of me. One hand on top of the other. "You look beautiful." I admired her beauty. She giggled. "Thank you. You do too." She smiled placing her hand on top of mine. I blushed like mad. "Thank's." I smiled. She kissed my cheek. I chuckled. I dropped the cane, and kissed her deeply. She kissed back wrapping her arms around my waist. I did the same tilting my head deepening the kiss. I broke the kiss. "What do you want to do? We have all night." She smiled. I thought for a minute. As I was thinking, I saw speakers over her shoulder. A lightbulb then went off in my head.

Without hesitation, I took my sonic out of my pocket, and soniced the speakers. They turned on, and the song 'Bridge over troubled Water' started playing. I put my sonic back in my pocket, and placed a hand on her lower back. She gasped slightly, and looked at me. Her eyes full of love. I did the same. "May I have this dance?" I asked. "You may." She giggled. We began dancing slowly and gracefully. We danced into the night. Talking, and laughing. We had a great time! We walked back to the TARDIS. I snapped, and the doors opened. I then picked her up bridal style, and walked her to the TARDIS's bedroom. I took off my suit, and folded it and put it on the chair in the corner of the room. Alayna took off her dress, and put it on the chair. We both the got into bed. I kissed her deeply, and she returned the kiss. I then proceeded to travel downward to her neck. She gasped, and giggled. I liked that. I did it again. She gasped again. She then pulled me in for a kiss. It was a long, deep kiss in which I gladly kissed back. She broke the kiss, and fell asleep. I held her close, and also fell asleep.

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