Chapter Eight: Equestria Ponyville

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The Doctor was doing much better since yesterday. He was at the console playing with the controls while I was teaching Dalton how to use his new sonic screwdriver. The Doctor landed, and Dalton and I looked to the doors. "Where are we Doctor?" Dalton asked. "One of my favorite places." The Doctor smiled. Dalton snapped, and the doors opened. Outside, we saw a new place. "What is this place?" I asked. The Doctor walked out. As soon as he walked under the doorframe, he was turned into a pony?! He turned back. He was a pony with a grey coat, black mane, and green eyes. He was still wearing his tweed blazer, and black pants. Dalton and I walked out, and we were turned into ponies! Dalton was a unicorn. He looked to me, and had beautiful aqua blue eyes, a light orange coat, and a dirty green mane and tail, and of course a horn. "You'r a unicorn too!" He said. "I am?" I asked bringing one of my new light brown hooves up to my head. I felt something hard extend out from my head. It was a horn! I beamed happily, and the Doctor started walking.

We followed. I could walk on all fours already! "Doctor!" We heard a female voice call his name. He looked around. "Ditzy?" He called back. A grey pegasus mare floated down, landed in front of the Doctor, and hugged him. He hugged back. I smiled, and walked up to the mare. "Hello." I said. Dalton was on the other side. "Hi." She replied smiling. She looked back to the Doctor. "Are these your new companions?" She asked. "Yes." The Doctor nodded, and smiled. I quickly thought of a name. 'Sketchy Sculpture'. "My name is Sketchy Sculpture." I smiled extending my hoof. She shook it. "Nice to meet you Sketchy." She said. I stepped aside, and Dalton introduced himself as 'Magicbackhoof'. "It's nice to meet you both." She smiled. I returned her smile, and looked into her beautiful yellow eyes. They looked a little askewed. But I'm not one to judge. "It's nice to meet you too..." I stopped as I did not know her name. "Derpy Hooves. But you can call me 'Ditzy'. She said happily. "It's nice to meet you Ditzy." Dalton and I said in unison. Ditzy hovered in the air. "Are you ready to go on an adventure Doctor?" She asked. "As always." He said walking. We all followed.

After a few minutes of walking, we came across a large tree with a bench, and sign out front. 'Golden oak Library.' It read. "That would be a great name for a library!" I said to myself. Derpy knocked on the door. "Hello?" A female voice called from inside. She sounded a little scared. "Twilight? Are you-" she was cut off when she opened the door. I saw a pegasus statue. Wings sprawled open, and on its hind legs. I looked very confused. As did Dalton. "Your scared of this thing?" I asked trotting into the library, and pointing out the obvious. "Don't blink!" The Doctor commanded. I looked to him. "Whats wrong with it?" I asked. I returned my gaze to it. It moved closer! "Ah!" I shouted. The purple unicorn ran to the Doctor's side. "Sketchy. It is much more than a statue. It is a weeping pegasi. If you are touched by one of them, you get sent back in time to live your life. They live off your time energy by doing just that. Sending you back in time to live you'r life." He explained. "DO NOT BLINK!" He shouted.

I did as I was told. But my eyes started watering. "Doctor..." I called out. "Switch out!" He said. My tone of voice told the Doctor, 'I am about to blink!' The Doctor took my place while I walked to the group blinking heavily. "Great idea Doctor!" Doctor said. "Nice to meet you." I looked to the unicorn. "Hi." She said. Her eyes watering. "My names Sketchy Sculpture." I said extending my hoof. She shook it smiling. Dalton did the same. I looked to the Doctor. "Doctor?" I called out. "Yes Sketchy?" He responded scanning the statue with his sonic screwdriver. "Why are you here?" He asked rhetorically. Of course he wouldn't get a response. It was a statue. Non living. "How long have you been with the Doctor?" Derpy asked me. "A few days." I replied. She looked to Dalton. "I'v been here for a day. I met him yesterday." He replied. "Switch!" The Doctor shouted. Dalton took his place keeping his eyes fixed on the statue. He stood there for a good few minutes before shouting, "Switch!" I went back up keeping my eyes on it of course. I didn't get enough time to refresh my eyes. So I ended up blinking. I could feel the statues arms around me. "Sketchy! Do NOT open your eyes!" The Doctor commanded. I did as I was told, and kept my eyes shut. My voice started to shake. "Doctor... Please help me..." I said fearfully. My hearts were pounding.

"I'll do everything I can." He said in a soothing tone. "Everything will be fine." He promised. I believed him. I heard his sonic screwdriver. My ears perked up. I then felt the arms of the pegasi let me go! I ran away, and beside Dalton, and Derpy. "I'm so glad I'm alright!" I said to myself. "Doctor?" I called out. "Yes?" He replied. "Wheres the TARDISes storage room?" I asked. "In the hallways, hang a right, a left, and another left. You should find it." He replied. Without saying a word, I dashed out of the library, and back to the TARDIS. I was turned back into a human when I entered the box. I followed the Doctors directions, and made it to the storage room. I eventually found what I was looking for. A sledgehammer. I picked it up, walked back to the console room, and tossed it out the door. I walked out, and became a pony again. I concentrated hard on levitating the hammer. And surly enough, it started floating! I ran back to the library, and walked inside. "Get out of the way." I said. I walked up to the pegasus statue, and stated smashing it to smithereens. I dropped it on the floor once I was finished destroying it. Everyone burst into laughter.

"I'll try that next time." The Doctor said. After the laughter subsided, we said our goodbyes. Derpy whispered in my ear, "I think you'r cute." She kissed me on the cheek. I blushed, and she giggled. We headed out the door, and back to the TARDIS. We were turned back into humans, and the Doctor took off. "You have no idea how hard it is to do anything with hooves." The Doctor said looking at his hands, and flexing his fingers. Dalton and I chuckled, and walked up to the console. I picked up my pad and pen, and made yet another entry in my log. "What was the name of that place Doctor?" I asked. "Equestria, Ponyville." He said. I wrote that down, and set the pad and pen beck down on the chair. My stomach started to growl. Dalton, the Doctor, and I headed to the kitchen for some tea, and fish fingers and custard.

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