Chapter Seven: A New Companion

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The Doctor was working on the TARDIS, sitting on some strong wires that made a swing. "Doctor?" I walked up to the console, and sat in the chair. I looked to the Doctor through the glass floor. "Yes?" He replied looking up at me. "Do you think I can visit one of my friends?" I asked. He smiled. "Sure." I smiled back. He got up, and walked ip to the console. A few seconds later, he was playing with the controls. He took off a second later. "Thank you Doctor." We hugged, then broke the hug shortly after. "Your welcome." He replied landing. I snapped, and the doors opened. I walked out, and up to the house we landed in front of. I knocked on the door, and a boy with dirty blonde hair wearing a Miami marlins hoodie answered the door. "Hello." He waved. I then remembered I regenerated. He doesn't know that its me. "How did you know my name?" He asked. "Its Spencer!" I smiled. "Spencer?! Theres no way thats you!" He said dumbfounded. Wondering how I looked different but was still his friend. I hugged him, and he hugged back. We broke the hug, shortly after.

Dalton saw the blue box. "Whats that?" He asked. I turned to the TARDIS. "Oh that? That's the TARDIS. It's a time and space machine thats somehow bigger on the inside." I snapped and the doors opened. The Doctor walked out, closed the doors, and walked up to Dalton. "Hello. I'm the Doctor." He said adjusting his bowtie, and extending his hand. Dalton shook his hand smiling. They both lowered their hands. "Doctor who?" He asked. "Just the Doctor." I said smiling. He looked to me. "Cone on." I said walking to the TARDIS. Dalton was by my side. A few feet from the doors, I snapped, and the doors opened. Dalton looked to me with wide eyes. "How did you do that?!" He asked. "I snapped." I smiled. He snapped, and nothing happened. I chuckled. "You have to be a Timelord." The Doctor, Dalton, and I walked into the TARDIS. "Whats a Timelord?" He asked looking around the console. "Hang on. I'v got just the thing." The Doctor said walking up to the console, and handing Dalton a beautiful silver fob fob watch with markings engraved in it. Dalton opened it, and a yellow light flew out of the watch, and all over his body. He looked afraid.

"Doctor? Whats going on?" He asked. He was definitely scared. "It's OK." The Doctor said trying to calm him down. The glow then faded. It came back a second later, and he screamed in pain. I knew what was going to happen. He was going to regenerate. The glow grew brighter, and he regenerated for the first time. But he was still him! "I feel funny." He said before passing out cold. I looked to the Doctor scared. "Spencer. It's OK. This happened to you the first time you regenerated. Remember?" I calmed down a bit, and the Doctor picked him up, and carried Dalton to the bedroom. I followed him. "I'll go make the fish fingers and custard." He said. I followed him to the kitchen. "I'v got the tea." I smiled. Within a few minutes, we made the items, and set them on the bedside table. The Doctor also left him a sonic screwdriver for when he woke up. This one looked like mine which looked like his, except, his had a purple emitter. We walked back to the console room, and the Doctor continued working on the TARDIS.

***Dalton P.O.V***

I woke some time later. My body felt extremely sore. I looked around, and saw I was in a bedroom. I saw a bedside table next to the bed I was in. There was tea, and fish fingers which were all next to a bowl of custard. I took the tea, and drank it, and immediately felt much better. Like I could take on anything. I set the tea back on the table, and took the fish fingers, and the bowl of custard. I looked at the two things for a minute, and finally decided to try them together. It was probably the best thing I'd ever put in my mouth! My tastebuds were going crazy! It tasted so good! I finished the custard, and sat the bowl back on the bedside table. I heard something drop on the floor. I looked down, and saw a device of some sort. I picked it up, and looked at it. "Spencer!" I called out.

***Spencer P.O.V***

I was helping the Doctor work on the TARDIS when I heard my name being called. It sounded like Dalton woke up. I walked to the bedroom. "What is it?" I asked. "Whats this thing?" He asked. I walked over to his bed. "This is a sonic screwdriver." I said taking it from him, and activating it. "It's purple." I took mine out of my pocket, and flicked mine open. "Yours is blue!" He smiled. I gave his sonic back to him, and closed mine. "That it is." I returned his smile, and closed my sonic. "What can it do?" He asked getting out of bed. "Lots of things. A lock pick, compass, scanner, TARDIS recall, and lots of other things." I said remembering every function the Doctor listed. "But it doesn't do wood." I added. We walked back to the console room. The Doctor was playing with the controls. "Doctor?" Dalton called out. "Don't worry. I told your mother. She said yes." He said. Dalton and I highfived each other, and smiled. "So Dalton. Where would you like to start?" The Doctor asked. "Anywhere is fine." Dalton replied. "Good choice. Lets see where we end up..." The Doctor said sounding very exited. He took off. We looked to each other, and smiled. He landed shortly after. Dalton snapped, and the doors opened for him. Outside he saw red grass. "Red grass?" He asked wondering outside. The Doctor quickly looked to toward the door. "What?" He said like he knew what the place was.

We walked out, and saw wreckage everywhere. It looked terrible. The Doctor sat on the grass in front of the TARDIS, and started to cry. "Whats wrong?" I asked. "Gallifrey." He said burying his face in his knees. "My home." He added. I saw the wreckage. I hugged him. He hugged me back tighter sobbing into my shoulder. "It'll be OK Doctor." I said patting his back. Dalton cane over, and kneeled next to the Doctor. "What happened?" The Doctor was to chocked up to explain. He got up, and walked back into the TARDIS. Shutting the doors. Dalton and I looked to each other. "We should leave him alone until he calms down." I said opening the door, and walking inside to see the Doctor sitting on the steps leading up to the console. We shut the door, walked up to the console, and sat in the chairs next to the stairs. The Doctor looked up to me. Tears freely flowing down his face. "Doctor..." Dalton was cut off by me putting a finger up to my lips. Telling him 'Stay quiet. I'v got this.' I moved down to the steps the Doctor was sotting on. I put an arm around the man mourning the death of his home planet. I picked up my pad and pen, and made another entry in my log. 'New Companion'. And put to the side in parenthesis, 'Dalton'.

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