Jackie X Reader | Holly Golly Love!

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I'm back! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while. I had things going on plus I was working on other stories.
I also have a new writing style!
I have exciting news though! Request are open again! I'm planning on keeping them open till 2024 at the earliest.

This one's a Christmas special! I'll be doing more of Christmas ones since it's almost December.

In this you are Xavier's twin. Whether you're his twin sister, his twin brother, or just his twin.

I don't remember if they did this in the show but in this all the kids of the creek get together Christmas Eve and celebrate Christmas together.

Anyways, onto the story!


Y/n's POV

✨Jackie✨ - Y/N! We're gonna stop by your place so we can walk to the creek with you.
✨Y/n✨ - R u sure? Xavier's home.
✨Jackie✨ - It'll be fine, hopefully. 😅
✨Y/n✨ - Hopefully.

I stash my phone in my bag I carry everywhere with me.

I quickly put my winter gear on.

"Where are you going all bundled up," Kenneth asks walking to the door.

"The creek, apparently the kids of the other side of the creek celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve. Craig invited us," I say.

"Don't get frostbite," Kenneth says.

"What are you doing," I ask.

"Meeting up with a few friends," Kenneth says.

"Don't do anything dumb," I say.

"You don't make me have to help you out of a tree," Kenneth says.

"That was when I was 5! Plus it was in our own backyard," I say.

"Ok," Kenneth says.

"Ahh! I forgot the presents upstairs!" I yell to myself.

I hear Kenneth chuckle as he leaves.

"I don't wanna take my shoes off, I just put them on," I mutter to myself, "but I'll get in trouble if I walk through the house with them on. I'll just crawl with my feet in the air so they don't touch the ground."

Lucky my rooms on the main floor so I can easily just crawl to it.

"What are you doing," Cheyenne asks.

"Going to my room," I say.

"And why aren't you walking like a normal person," Cheyenne asks.

"Because I don't wanna take my shoes off because I just put them on," I say reaching my door.

"You know what, I don't care," Cheyenne says throwing her hands up walking away.

I quickly crawl over to my desk. Being quick so no one sees me I stand up to grab the presents. As quickly as I got up I got back down.
I quickly crawl back to the front door with the 4 presents in hand.

Three of them are for Jackie, keun sup, and Aggie. The last one is for my secret Santa, I'd gotten Bobby so I just got him a bunch of candy.

I stand up once I'm at the front door.
I feel someone's eyes on me as I stand up.

"What do you want," I ask, "Xavier."

"I'm just going to get a snack," Xavier says.

"Ok," I say.

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