Jackie x mute reader | capture the flag war | part 2

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This is part 2 to the previous one shot.
Word count- 1887

The kings floating down the creek throwing candy out to people.

Me, Craig, Kelsey, and J.P. are standing at the edge of the clearing looking at Xavier introducing himself having the arm throw something at a piñata breaking it giving everyone candy.

"Excuse me but how many one get one of those costumes you're friends have," tony asks.

"Those are available for my elite guards," Xavier says.

The champions do a pose and my eyes immediately land on the arm. 'Dame it y/n, why do you always fall for the people you can't have,' I think to myself.

"Oh boy sign me up, right fellas," tony says.

"Hey," Craig says, "I have a question? How do we know we can trust you?"

"Yeah," I shake my head agreeing with him as we both show ourselves leaving Kelsey and J.P. in the trees.

"Hey-hey-hey! It's Craig, and y/n, everyone," Xavier says, "welcome my old friend."

"Answer my question, Xavier," Craig says getting mad at him.

"Pff, come on," Xavier says, "what have I ever done that was so bad?"

"Oh I don't know, how about the time you threw me and my friends into a giant maze," Craig says as J.P. and Kelsey join us.

"That was only because you and your friends snuck into my side of the creek and infiltrated a tournament that I was holding for my friends just so you could take the prizes for yourselves," Xavier says.

Well, what about the time you stole my map," Craig says holding up his map, as kids start to mutter about us. Even with the kids muttering I didn't show any sign of being scared.

"Well if I stole your map, then why do you have it now," Xavier says laughing.

"Well, what about the time you started a deadly snowball fight," Craig says.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Do you not like fun. It was just a snowball fight," Xavier says.

"Craig, with every story both people can be seen at fault most of the time, he's going to use that to his advantage and play victim" I write down and show craig.

The blur grabs my notebook and shows the king what I wrote down. I king has his champions destroyed the note book, I swear I see them hesitate when destroying it.

Tears fill my eyes as I pick up what's left of my notebook.

"You don't need to be having secrets, you can say whatever you need," Xavier says giggling a bit.

"What the heck dude, there mute, that's how they talk," Kelsey yells at Xavier.

Xavier goes red with embarrassment, "that doesn't matter. Besides there the one yesterday who beat up the girl with pink hair."

People start to mutter.

I was left with nothing left to defend myself.

Craig of the creek one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now