˚ ☁︎ ˚ Kim Sarang »

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«キム・サラン »

Silvia Song calling her Sarang, claiming herself to be her mother; nothing absolutely made sense to her.

Tears rolled down Haerin's cheeks.

"Come to me child.",Silvia's eyes softened with tears glistening through them,"Sarang...?"

The young girl hesitantly, lifted her index finger towards the mirror with the ardent desire to touch the mysterious reflection.

Silvia's expression transformed; a sinister smile curving into her face,"Kim Sarang.",a male figure appeared on the mirror, his voice hoarse,"You think you can save Fantasia from the impending doom?"

"A-are you the Dark Lord?",Haerin gulped, taking a step away.

The figure broke out into a laughter,"You strikingly remind me of Silvia but your eyes, you have got my eyes."

"What do you even want? Why can't you just go?"

"Gem of Alchemia. That's what I desire and I will surely acquire it this time with your power. I hope you won't be foolish like your mother and choose wisely. I am sure you don't want any of your loved ones to die in my hands?",his hysterical laugh echoed in the vacant room, before he disappeared completely from her sight.

"Booh!",Heeseung giggled softly while hugging her from behind,"Caught you, Haerin!"

Sensing her paced heartbeats and tear-stained cheeks, he turned her figure to make her face him,"What happened, shine?"

"Dark Lord.",she lowered her gaze,"Dark Lord communicated with me through this mirror."

His eyes widened,"Are you alright? What did he say? Did he try to harm you?",he inspected the mirror, releasing Haerin from his touch.

"Heeseung. Let's meet Professor Ervin. I have a lot of questions to be answered.",she let her gaze meet his.


Professor Ervin extended two cups of coffee to the students, and leaned back to adjust his half-moon spectacles.

His silver hair shone brightly under the bright flame light.

"Why? Why I was called Kim Sarang? Who is she? Please tell me.",Haerin's eyes trembled with intense emotions,"Why did the Dark Lord indicate that I am Silvia Song's daughter? How is that possible? I have always been a human. A pure human on Earth. I never knew Fantasia existed."

Heeseung placed his palm over her hands, caresses them with his thumb.

Professor Ervin drew in a long breathe,"Silvia Song. She is a hero here. She is known for her sacrifice to protect the Land of Fantasia."

"I am aware.",Haerin spoke softly,"She prevented the Dark Lord from acquiring the Gem of Alchemia. She was the strongest earth sign and utilising all her powers weakened the Dark Lord and led her to embrace death."

Ervin nodded,"However, all this was not possible that simply.",his gaze shifted to Heeseung,"His dad proved his friendship by staying by her side till his last breath. After she encountered death, he remained as the protector of the Gem of Alchemia until recently."

"I...",Heeseung sucked in a shaky breath,"heard he was murdered."

Haerin looked at him with sadness gripping her heart.

"Indeed he was. It was the time the Dark Lord had started to revive his energy. It was him according to the reports.",Professor Ervin rose from his seat, leaning to give his shoulder a light squeeze,"Your dad might have failed as a father but as a friend he was always there. Silvia couldn't think of embarking on this journey without protecting her own blood. She had to find a way."

"Her own blood? Kim Sarang?",Haerin's round curious eyes stared at him.

He affirmed with a nod,"Kim Sarang who was born out of the wedlock between a wizard and a human."

"Silvia Song married a human?",Heeseung seemed startled.

"Yes, she did. In the run to protect her daughter, she opened the gate to the mortal world, finding a human family to raise her. Heeseung's father, used his wizardly powers to make them forget all these memories. Sarang was still a child, oblivious to the world and she happily accepted her human family; both, unaware about the reality."

Heeseung rose to his feet,"Professor Ervin. What do you mean?", astonishment took over his face.

Ervin's gaze remained fixed on Haerin,"Thus, Kim Sarang became a part of the mortal world under the name Sae Haerin. A new identity which drove her away from danger."

A sharp pain inflicted her chest,"This is a dream. This can't be...",she wept with melancholia hitting her.

Heeseung's eyes grew moist as she pulled her closer to his warmth.

"What happened to her husband, Professor Ervin?",Heeseung's voice grew serious, his embrace never leaving his girl.

"Her husband Kim Haru, a mortal who was deeply in love with her, grew greedy for power when he stepped into the Land of Fantasia. Secretly, he mastered the art of Dark Magic but one day Silvia found out and revolted against him. To her, Fantasia was everything and there was no way, she would ever let it get destroyed by someone who was not even a wizard or a magical creature."

Haerin wiped her tears, clutching Ervin's hands,"Does that mean-"

Professor Ervin grew stern, his gaze fixed on his crystal ball,"Kim Sarang."

The name seemed alien to her ears.

"Your dad, Kim Haru lost his connection to conscience and was solely driven by greed and vile emotions and thus, he became..",he paused for a moment before looking into her eyes,"The Dark Lord."

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