Supid piece of shit

Start from the beginning

Before she left through the door, she turned back to me.
"I'll get you like a Dr. Pepper, or something."
Then she left.
"Thank you!"
I called back as she walked away. Chica sat on the bed next to Y/N, holding him as he did something on his phone.
She glanced over his shoulder and at his phone before quickly sitting up and snatching it from him.
"You are NOT texting Monty right now!" She deleted what ever he had previously written and tucked his phone in her pocket.

I had to admit I was a little surprised to hear him texting Monty. Well I was REALLY surprised.
"No wait please! I have to say I'm sorry!"
"You are not sorry! You should not be sorry! You should be proud for standing up to yourself like that. Monty is a narcissistic bitch. And I'm not telling you this as your friend, I'm telling you this as your coworker who has worked and lived with Monty for years."

Y/N curled up against the wall side of my bed and refused to look at us.
Chica sighed before her face softened and she set her hand on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry babes, but you've got to see the toxic side of him."
"Yeah, I see them... I just don't want to leave them."
Chica sighed again and rubbed her temples and stood up.
"I'm gonna go use the restroom real quick." She left my room and I took her place on my bed.

Y/N looked at me before looking back at the closed door. He leaned in and whispered,
"You're not a snitch, are you?"
"Depends on what you're doing." I whispered back.
He sat up and reached into his back pocket, pulling out a tiny bottle of fireball and opening it, then chugging it.

"Y/N!?" I began to scold him before hushing my voice back down.
"Roxy is already getting you something!"
"Yeah? Well, I want more."
I sighed and laid down next to him, pulling my blanket over me.
"Hey Sunny?"
"I think you're really brave."
"..thank you, Y/n."

I pulled my phone out from my back pocket and opened it to watch something, anything I could find on YouTube. There was a book review for a Colleen Hoover book and I was intrigued so I clicked on it. Y/N laid down next to me and watched from over my shoulder. I turned a little and positioned myself so he had a better view of my phone.

he watched from over my shoulder until Chica came back after a few minutes.
"Sorry I took your phone, didn't mean to." she slid the phone from her back pocket and stretched out her arm to hand it to Y/N. He took it and slid it in his pocket, going back to watching the video with me.
"Im going to go help Roxy." Chica sighed as she walked back out the door and left the two of us.

"You're my best friend Sunny." He sort of whispered, seeming sleepy as he leaned in and cuddled into my back, wrapping his arms around me.
"You're mine too, Starlight." Starlight was the Nickname my mother used to call me by as a representation of her name being Luna and mine being Sunny. I was always attached to my mom by the hip, my dad used to say we were like an eclipse. My dad was just Brian. A boring name for a boring man. My real name is Sunny Ray, but I took up the name Sunny Drop to go with the candy sold at the pizzeria.

I've told Y/N that, I'm sure. I've also happened to learn the real legal names of everyone else in the year I've worked here, but I won't reveal those since I'd probably get sued by FazBear Entertainment.

"You know," I smiled as I hugged him close, "I've never told anyone that before.. how moon came to be... you're special Y/N.. you're going to do great things for this place.. I can feel it." I smiled as I waited for his response, only to be met with a small snore as he had fallen asleep. I sighed and flipped over, holding him in my arms as his head lay against my chest.
"Amazing things.. I know you will."
I yawned and curled up next to him, but then Roxy and Chica burst in.

"Shhh! Quiet please," I whisper yelled as I put a finger to my lips. "Y/N is sleeping!"
They stopped and looked at us, but it was too late, he had woken up.
"Huh? Oh, you guys are back." He sat up slowly and rubbed his eyes, his words slurring as he yawned softly.
"Yeah, and we brought alcohol, we're getting plastered." Roxy laughed as she set the Maybe four cases of beer she was holding on the floor, as Chica meekly came up and handed me two Dr. Peppers.
"Two in one night! Ohhhh I am spoiling myself!" I giggled, since I gave myself a 'one soda per day' rule. Today is my cheat day.

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