The first signs

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This is NOT happy you guys


Monty avoided me all of today after I decided to hang out with Bonnie last night. I think it might be because of our tiny argument last night. I just wanted to hang out with a friend. He was also hesitant when I told him Sun invited me to have a sleepover with him.
I woke up Bright and Early, changing into my work uniform and grabbing my phone. But my dumbass forgot to charge it last night so it was dead.
"God dammit." I groaned as I shoved it in my pocket and grabbed my STAFF ID card.

I walked to the storage unit that held the shipment of decorations for Monty's room and walked in, looking through the boxes people had set aside. There was the neon light in the shape of his head, and a bunch of posters, as well as stuffed animals and pillows.

I took the three large boxes (all by myself cause I'm just so strong) up to Monty's room. I walked in and set the boxes by the door.
"So, we gonna put this up or is your room gonna be sad and depressing forever?" I joked as Monty groaned from the bed.
"Come on Now, I've got somewhere to be."
He groaned louder and tossed in the bed.

"No, like, seriously Monty you've got to get up."
He sighed and sat up, rubbing his eyes and fixing his messy bed hair.
"Come on Baby, Let's make this place some money!" I smiled as I opened the Box on top, that being the one with the neon sign.

"Where are we thinking?"
He looked around the room before pointing to right above the bed.
"You sure?"
He nodded.
"Okay. Let's fold up the bed and put it up."
He did just that, and he lifted me as I nailed the nail into the wall and hung up the sign. The two of us backed up, me on his shoulders as he looked at it. It was bright and it did it's job. It was kinda silly in a way, but I liked it.

"Teamwork baby!"
I stuck out my hand for a high five, which he reciprocated.
He let me down and we finished putting up the posters and wall decorations.
"Hey," I looked up at him once we had all the ordered stuff up and ready to go, "what if we put up a few photos? Like ones of us and our friends?"

He thought for a second.

I opened a small pocket in my bag and pulled out a bunch of Polaroids I had collected over the few months and other photos I printed out. I grabbed a few extra thumbtacks, and started putting up the photos specifically around the mirror and bed area. There was one of me and Monty at one of the small parties the DJ would throw. One was of Monty and the ladies in the salon, he was letting us give him a make over. And just a whole bunch others of him and me and our friends. There was even a few with Gregory and Cassie. Tucked between his mirror and the rim of it, was a photo from a Photo Booth of me and him, dressed in matching like outfits. That's one of my favorites.

"What do you think sweetheart? Do you like it? Do you promise not to mess it up and be patient with the kids?"
".. yes."
"Yes what?"
He let out a loud groan and a sigh.
"Yes, I promise not to mess it up and be patient with the kids."
"Good." I glanced at my watch, seeing it be nearly 1PM.

"I've got to head out soon to meet with Sunny."
He let a low and quiet growl from his throat as he bared his teeth.
"Do you have a problem with that?" I cocked an eyebrow at him.

"No it's just.." he looked away from me and crossed his arms.
"It's just?"
"Ugh. You've spent a lot of time with other people, and I feel left behind."
"Oh baby. I'm sorry... but I can't cancel this. I promised him. Hey, how about this? After tonight, I will spend two whole weeks with you, and we can do... what ever you like. Go on a date, sleep in, play golf, anything. Sound okay?"

He slouched in his spot, still being grumpy.
"Okay really? I've just given you what you wanted and you're still pouting."
"I just like hanging out with you okay? Is it so bad I want to spend my time with my boyfriend?"
"I never said that! I'm only saying that you don't seem to like that I have friends that I like to hang out with. It's not my fault you don't like going out with people and having fun!"

"I do like hanging out with people!"
"But it doesn't seem like you like me hanging out with people."
"I don't! I don't like being away from you. Is that so bad? Does that make me a bad guy?"
"No, Monty, you just get so jealous... you don't think I'm cheating do you? You know I would never do that."

"Well... I don't know what you're doing when I'm not around."
"... you're being serious?"
".. I Never know.."
"Have a good day Monty."
I rolled my eyes as I grabbed my bag and walked out of the room, walking to the daycare.

"The nerve of that man! I've done nothing that should make him even consider I would do that!"
I angrily ranted to Sun.
"Yeah! What a meanie! He shouldn't be mad at you!
"Thank you!"

I sighed and slumped in a bean bag across from him.
"I'm sorry to bring down the mood like this, but I just can't believe him."
"... Y/N.. I don't mean to assume anything but... Monty might be showing signs of.. toxicity."
"...holy shit Sunny... you might be right!"

Word count: 1,004

"I'm not gay" (Monty x male reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora