Good Morning Cher

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Last night I completely blacked out from my calm and (surprisingly) very comfy. When my eyes fluttered open, I was in Monty's room. I was so comfy. This blanket is heavy and warm, and this pillow of soft. I sat up softly, and looked around his room. Still as clean as I left it yesterday. I looked down at my watch, it was around 1:30 PM. Which means a show is going to start soon.. which means if I go to the main stage.. I'll be able to see the band preform. I stood and rushed over to Monty's bathroom, fixing my hair and uniform, then running out of the room to the main stage.

On my way there I stopped by a store, picking up a Roxy themed shirt and Monty themed leggings. The Roxy shirt was a crop top with her shirt pattern on it,  and the leggings were plain black with a purple lighting bolt of the side to represent his little strike. I changed in a bathroom near by and shoved my clothes in a small bag I had with me. I continued onto my designated location.

I made it there just as the lights shut off and music started blasting through the speakers. Crowds of kids and adults cheered as I pushed my way through them to make my way up to the front. I looked up at the stage from the side I was on. Freddy came out first, microphone in hand, Roxy and Chica high-fiving as they walked out behind him and went opposite ways. Monty came out last, his bass firm in his hands. They all stepped onto circle platforms, which then rose up, Monty's in the back rising up the highest. They all spun around and sang and played their instruments.

Over all the sounds, the music, the cheering, the speakers blaring, I felt like the only thing I could hear was Monty's bass and his deep, very soothing, voice. His Louisiana accent made me feel all tingly. My heart sped up, so fast I could hear it beating in my ears, my tummy felt weird, like butterflies were in it. My cheeks heated up and I could feel them flushing red, my eyes widened and a smile crept onto my face as I watched him from down below. It was like I was under a spell, I could only look at Monty, and I was so close to the stage. The platforms came back down and they all danced around the stage and sun hall together. At one point, they all spun into the middle of the stage. They all stuck one hand out and they spun back out and Monty was on the end of the stage closest to me. He looked down straight at me, his red eyes burning through my skin as his glasses slid down his nose. He winked at me charmingly, his tail coming up and knocking his glasses off, straight in my direction. I caught them quickly and looked down at them. When I looked up again, Roxy was now in his place, as she quickly spun back and Chica took her place. They moved in a circle until Chica was back in front of me. I backed up into the crowd, turning and running to the far back corner where I sat by one of the small food spots and slumped down into the dark corner where no one would see me. 

I looked at the glasses in my hand, the dim light that reached over here. I smiled at them, sliding them past my ears and resting them on my head, my sight being tinted by a purple hue. I stood up as the show seemed to end, the light turning back on and the band going back behind stage.

"Freddy and his gang are very tired, but be sure to come back for the next performance at 5:15, and be sure to check out the gang's attractions. Be sure to say hello to the DJ, and meet your idols in RockStar Row at 4:40 PM. See you later, and have a Fazarific day!" A voice came over the intercoms, making announcements as I walked over to Monty Gator Golf. I used my security badge to get into the back room, where they seemed to hold extra props and would clean these giant gator like ride carts.

"Hey," I looked over at an older man, wearing what seemed to be a mechanic suit, "you want a ride?" He asked, giving me a small smile as he pointed to one of the ride carts.
"Where do they lead?"
"Well... firstly, you'll go through a small cardboard cut out show, then it passes by some catwalks and then you can get off by hole 1."
"Can you just drop me off on the catwalks?"
"Can do! Name's Jeremy Fitzgerald. Head mechanic for Gator Golf."
He stuck out his hand for me to take. I gently took his hand, shaking it softly.
"Y/N Y/L (your last name)"
"That's a lovely name. Come, come, hop on in I'll get you goin'."

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