"Another one?"

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Gregory had already been here for around two months, and we've been getting along with him pretty well I'd say. Freddy is a great father figure, and Bonnie does what he has to when he has to. Monty and Gregory fight and argue a lot, but it's all harmless banter. Roxy and him don't get along that well, and to be fair they don't really talk, but Chica seems fond of him. And sun adores him. He gets really lonely after the Pizzaplex closes and all the kids go home. I don't think Greg likes him that much.

Anyways, Greg has been sneaking off for like three weeks now. We find him tucked away in bins, corners, under kiddie rides, in employee only rooms. Anywhere away from us. And this is one of those times. I can't find the little shit and if I don't Freddy will be on my ass until he shows up. We've asked sun, DJMM, even the fucking map bots and he's just no where.

Eventually though I found him in one of the locker rooms down in the basement. He was hiding in a laundry bin.
I peeked inside but he didn't see me. He was looking down at a Walki Talki he had. I didn't even know we had those.

"Please Cassie! I'm telling you! It's great here, Freddy takes really good care of us, we have unlimited food and soda! And this place is just really cool! And plus Roxy is here! You love Roxy! Please Cassie you have to come. It's gets a little lonely being the only kid after hours.."

"I don't know Greg, what if I get caught?"

"Cassie, I've been here for months and no one has caught me! I walk around freely! No one checks the cameras. And Y/N told the lady he found me and I was safe at home. She won't be looking for us anymore!"

"I... I don't know Greg. Plus, isn't it a lot to drop on Y/N right after you came?"

"He'll hardly even notice us, Freddy takes care of me the most. He's usually with his boyfriend Monty."
He groaned the last part.

I smiled and spoke up to scare him.
"Who's Cassie?"
He screamed as he turned to look up at me.
"Gregory! Are you okay?" The girl, who I'm guessing is Cassie, asked over the speaker of the walki talki.

Gregory had talked about her before. They met almost a year ago when no one showed up to Cassie's birthday party except him and Roxy.
"Y/N I... please don't tell Freddy about this!"

"Well why are you trying to get her to come here?"
Gregory shrunk in his spot and turned off the little radio.
"Cassie's mother died during her birth and her father recently passed away cause his heart failed and now she has no where to go. And since you guys took me in... I thought maybe you'd take her in too..."

"Well...I wouldn't mind one more. But we need to talk this through with everyone else. Okay?"
"Come on kid."
I reached out my hand, and looked at my like I was crazy before shyly taking it. I helped him out of the bin and we walked together, hand and hand, to Freddy's room.

When we got there, Freddy almost cried he was so relieved.
"Gregory! I've told you not to sneak off like that! You really scared me!"
"I know Freddy.. I'm sorry.. but I need to ask you a serious question. You.. and Bonnie."

"I.. okay." Freddy looked behind him to Bonnie who was sitting on his couch.
"Ugh, okay fine I'll get up."
Bonnie slouched off the couch and walked to the door.

"My friend.. my best friend.. has no where to go. And since you took me in.. I was hoping you would take her in too."
"Another one?" Bonnie sarcastically asked before Freddy elbowed him harshly.

"If it's... not too much."
"Of course not Gregory! We'd love to take in your friend!"
Bonnie slowly turned his head to look at Freddy.
"Wow, where's my opinion in this?"
"Well what do you want?"

"But Bonnie."

Freddy pushed Bonnie towards the back of the room and started whisper talking to him.

They whispered among themselves until Bonnie sighed and kissed Freddy's cheek.
"Okay Hunny, you win. But no more kids! Two is more than enough."
"Thank you for understanding Bunny."
Freddy and Bonnie kissed a few more times, whispering their pet names to each other.

"Cough cough." I said loudly and kind of annoyed.

Freddy and Bonnie giggled before walking towards us.
"Bonnie and I have decided we will take your little friend in."
"Really? Thank you thank you thank you!"
Gregory jumped and and down excitedly, jumping into Freddy's arms.

I smiled and placed my hand on Freddy's shoulder.
"You're a good man Freddy, better than I'll ever be that's quite true."

"Thank you Y/N." He smiled at me sadly before pushing me out of the room and walking me a bit away from his room where Bonnie and Gregory were.

"I don't know if I'm making the right choice. It was kind of impulsive to take Gregory in like this, and another? .. I just don't know. What if I'm not good at the whole father thing?"

"I.. can't really help you there. But what I can say, is make them feel like your best friends. And make sure you allow them to be a little free, but still safe. The rest? You're kinda on your own."
"But you and Monty will still help, yes?"
"... I'll talk him into it."

I smiled at him and fixed his crooked bow tie, booping his nose and sending him back to his room with Bonnie and Greg.
"Convince Monty.." I groaned to myself, knowing how impossible that would be.

I walked back to my room.. well.. Monty's room, to try and talk him into it. As I walked past Freddy and Bonnie's room, looking in the window from afar as I did.
Gregory seemed to be talking with Cassie on his Walki Talki, kind of introducing her to Freddy and Bonnie. And they seemed to like her, because they were laughing and smiling.

I walked into my room, seeing Monty tuning his bass while sitting on the couch.
"Hey Monty.." I awkwardly giggled as I walked into the room.
"What did you do?" He cocked an eyebrow at me.
"Wow. You really love me huh?" I jokingly asked as I walked to the couch and sat next to him.
"Anyways, Gregory has a little friend he wants to... comeandlivewithusandadopther."
"..he what?"
"Please Monty. Just this once can you listen and do something nice for someone else?"
"I'm not taking care of another one."

"Well Freddy and Bonnie have already decided to take her in so you're gonna have to."
"What? I didn't even want the firs one! Now we gotta deal with another? Hell no!"
He moved his Bass to the side of him and set it on the couch, standing up.
"I know Monty, but this is for a good reason. Okay? Gregory has no one.. this is his only friend. And now she has no one. And I need you to help me with this.. I know you don't like them, but we have to do this until we find somewhere for them to stay. And this Pizzaplex.. it's all we got.. okay? Please Monty, just do this with me."

"..fine. But I'm only doing this for you! I don't give two shits about Freddy or Bonnie.. this is for you."
"Thank you baby." I walked over to him and hugged him tightly.
"Welcome." We moved the bass and sat on the couch together, cuddling close.
"I love you Monty, thank you. And hey, think about it, what if one day we want kids. This is good practice."
"Kids. Yeah right." He chuckled and rolled his eyes ad held me closer.

"What ever. You're a loser."
"Wow. You love me so much."
He said sarcastically as he pulled out his phone and started checking his notifications as I shut my eyes and cuddled close to him.

Word count: 1,376

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