Supid piece of shit

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I haven't posted in a year.. get it. Cuz I haven't posted since December and it's... its feb- just laugh.... Happy Valentine's Day.


I'm a stupid piece of shit. I deserve nothing. What did I do? Dear god. Why did I do that? I'm so fucking dumb.
Shit. Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit. SHIT.
Jesus. I can't even think about how much I hate myself that's how much I hate myself.

I sat down on Freddy's couch for what felt like hours. I scratched at my arm, and I looked down after it started to burn. There was so much blood. My nails were covered in blood. Blood was under my nails. The deep gash on my arm spewed the dark red liquid everywhere. It was everywhere. On my pants, on my shirt, my hands, my arms... the couch. The floor. Shit they were gonna kill me. Oh god everything is gonna stain. I messed up their furniture. Like I messed up my life.
"Fuck!" I yelled as I ran to the bathroom and grabbed a shit load of paper towels. But I was too late. Freddy and Bonnie walked into the room. I looked at them as they immediately noticed the blood everywhere. All over the carpet, dark dots covering their bright couch.
"Monty? What... what happened here?" Freddy rushed to the restroom to check on me. My arm was covered in paper towels that stuck to my skin while soaked in blood, not able to hide it.
"I just... I just had an accident!"
You stupid piece of shit. Good job you stained your friends carpet. Good job you stupid piece of shit. You're just ruining everything today aren't you?

Good fucking job..

"Here, allow me to help you." He reached out a hand to help me, but I backed away.
"I'm fine! I've got this... did you find him? Is he okay?"
Freddy brushes his hair back with his hand and looks at his feet.
"He's... in a similar situation to you right now."
I looked at my arm, which is still dripping blood onto the tile floor.
"Oh.." I looked at the blood dripping as I realized what that meant. This was my fault. Oh dear god it was all me. What do I do about this? How do I fix this? I never will. I will never fix this.
I'll go back to being alone. No one will want to talk to me. Oh dear god. You're a stupid piece of shit.
I watched tears fall from my eyes as Freddy gently took my arm and unwrapped the paper towels I had thrown over it.
"How about we fix this. Okay?"
He drapes out my arm so it's dripping into the sink, and he bends down to grab something from under the sink. He grabs a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, Neosporin, a gauze, and a spray bottle of.. something.
He stands up and grabs one of the two small hand towels from their small hooks on the wall.
"Bonnie, clean the carpet and couch for me please?" He hands the towel and spray bottle to him.
"Alright." He took the stuff from Freddy, glancing at me for a second. Only a second. Like he was avoiding looking at me. I noticed his eyebrows twitch, like he saw something he didn't like. I don't blame him. He's Y/N's best friend. And I've done horrible things tonight. I said horrible things yesterday. How could I ever accuse him of such acts. I know he would never. But knowing me and my dumb ass I probably would...

Stupid piece of shit.


Though I was scared to bring Y/N back to my room, I atleast knew he would be safe now that the lights were on and Roxy and Chica were here.

"I want a drink... something strong." Y/N groaned from my floor mattress in my messy room.
"I don't think that's the best thing for you right now, Starlight." I brushed his hair out of his face and helped him lay back in the bed.
"Ugh.. I think we all deserve a little drink after the shit show tonight has been. I'll go run down to the bowling Alley Bar and grab some whiskey and vanilla ice cream and we'll make homemade root beer floats or something." Roxy left the room and Chica stayed back with us.

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