New Friendships

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Monty and me really hit it off it seems like. He's super tall and has a deep ass voice that I've gotta admit... is kinda sexy. I haven't really dated since my ex because they fucked me up, and I don't plan on dating. But Monty seems to really like me. 

"Hey," Monty stopped us infront of a big fountain right before a big door with two colorful characters on it with the name, Superstar Daycare, "I'm gonna fetch a drink." He pointed behind him as he walked over to some vending machines that we passed.

As he walked away, Roxy and Chica were giggling. Chica grabbed me by my shoulder and pulled me into a small huddle with the two of them.
"I think someone has a crush on youuuuu~ teehehehe." She teased as Roxy laughed slightly, making a small snort.
"What?! Who?" I asked frantically from the sudden info drop.

"Monty ya' big dummy!" Roxy laughed again. "I've known that man since we were like twelve, and he has NEVER been this close to someone so fast. He's closer to you than us! And he's known you for less than an hour."

"I think he likes your booty." Chica giggled, pointing at my skin tight jeans.
Roxy slapped her arm lightly, slightly giggling.
"Babe!" The three of us laughed as Monty walked back over.

"What's all this whisperin' bout?" He looked down at us, two Fizzy Faz's in his hands.
"Ohh nothing.. just girl talk."
Chica tried to cover while her and Roxy still giggled.
Monty looked at me and raised a brow.
"Girl Talk huh?" He laughed.
"Hey, I can be a girl whenever I feel like it." I said sassily, snapping my fingers and crossing my arms.

"Ok gurl." Roxy laughed as Chica just hummed "mmhmm" and snapped her fingers too.
"Well," Monty chuckled as he moved his glasses to rest on his forehead, "I was gonna give you this soda, but now I'm not sure if I wanna."
He held a "Monty flavor" can above my head where I couldn't reach.

"Wait, no! I want that!" I jumped up to snatch it, but he simply moved his hand higher. Now there was no chance of me getting that.
"No no wait! Gimme that!"
"What's the magic word?"
"The other one dumb ass."
"Pretty please?"
"Monty you're such a dick!"

We bantered like that for about another minute before he got tired and handed me the soda. It tasted like Sprite, but more limey. If that makes sense(?).

We walked through an automatic door that revealed a large ass statue that Rezept he ones I saw in Rockstar Row, except it was a sun like character.
As we walked around it, I noticed the other side was a different character.
He was kinda creepy...

"That's just Moon, he's a damn bastard." Monty's booming voice startled me.
I looked back at the statue as we walked towards a slide.
"He's freaky.."
"Yeah.. best of ya' don't meet him. But if ya' do, I'll protect you." He chuckled as he flexed one of his arms.

"Ok gator," I laughed and walked past him to the slide, "well I don't think your big strong muscles will fit down this slide." I giggled as I teased him and slid down into a ball pit. I moved out of the way, hearing Chica's cheers as she came crashing down into the pit, moving as Roxanne came down too. We looked up at the mesh net that showed us the upstairs where Monty was staring down at us. He flipped us off as he walked off to another part of the upstairs.

"Take the long way loser!" Roxanne yelled at him, causing him to turn back to the net and looking down at us.
"I'll cut straight through this rope you fucking slut!"

Roxy laughed as she fell back into the ball pit, Chica laughing at her and trying to help her up, but ultimately falling too.
"Whatever," I called up, "just get in here already!"

He nodded and continued walking. It's interesting that he listens to me, but not his friends. Maybe it's cause I'm a security guard.


I listened to Y/N when he told me to just get in the daycare already, so I made my way to the pick up doors. I opened them and walked in to see them all sitting at a plastic table with chairs made for three year olds that they sure as hell did not fit in. I came over and sat on the soft cushion floor me to Y/N and Roxy.

"Uhm, where are your manners big gator?" Y/N asked me teasingly as he put his hands on his hips.
"The chair You big dummy, you have to sit in a chair."

I looked at the small green chair next to me, then back at the other three.
"Yes!" Chica demanded.
I looked back at the chair. Then back at them.
"Nuh uh."
"Yuh huh!" Roxy laughed at me.

I looked at the chair again. Back at them.
"No can do, Sunny will have my ass if I break it."
"Please Monty? It'd be funny!"
Y/N begged. His eyes were big and he gave a small smile.
I huffed and grabbed the chair, moving to me and sitting on it.

As I did, I heard a crack, and a snap. Then I fell on the floor. I sat with my arms crossed in my broken chair, watching as the other three laughed at me, Y/N even snapping a photo of me.

I stood up angerily.
"Oh haha, I get it, I'm too big for the damn chair." I kicked one of the pieces away from me.

I heard him sing a little show tune from his room up high as he came out on to the ledge. He dove into the ball pit. He emerged and ran over to Y/N, pulling him into a tight hug.

"Sun.. we don't have time for your damn games!" I shouted at him, pulling him off of Y/N and dragging his ass towards the doors.

"B-But! I don't like leaving the daycare! You're gonna get us in trouble!"
"Shut your mouth you child molester."
"I WOULD NEVER-" I dropped him in front of the doors, opening them and allowing everyone out.

I picked sun back up and dragged him to the arcade. There, Freddy, Bonnie and the DJ were talking, Freddy with his arm around Bonnie's slutty man waist(Chica's words not mine)

I mean she had a point though, Bonnie does have a slutty man waist, and Freddy kind of does too. Chica says we all have one but I don't know 'bout that. Freddy and Bonnie also have very nice builds, tall and slender. They're kind of hot...

NO WAIT I MEAN THAT IN A HOMIE WAY! I am NOT fucking gay. I like Girls, pussy, tits!
Thighs even!
Ok, I'm just incriminating myself now..

Word count: 1,212

"I'm not gay" (Monty x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now