We need a break

314 8 42

Just TW all over


"We need a break.." he mumbled.
"What the hell are you talking about?" I shouted, tears pricking in my eyes.

"I mean LEAVE! I want you to pack your shit and get THE FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM! OUT OF MY LIFE!"
He shouted. It stung my skin. My heart felt truly hurt as though he dug his sharp claws right into it and tore it to shreds in front of me. I blinked away my tears and let out something I really wish I hadn't now.

"So what? You're throwing away months of our lives because I wanted to hang out with my friends? Really? You're gonna be like that? Do you even fucking hear yourself?
You do know I can protect myself and do things because I'm an adult with a life outside of you, you know that right?"

"I don't need you.. I've got tons of people who would stand in line for hours just for me to look at them." He leaned down to my level and got close to my face.
"You're easily replaceable."
That hurt.
It hurt a lot.
It felt a knife had just dug into my chest and ripped my heart right out. Leaving a bleeding...empty.. hole.

"You think you're better because you're taller and stronger and a big hunk of muscle? You're just a fucking sex bot you incoherent piece of junkyard scrap." I looked up at him, keeping myself calm, trying to stand above him. But I was about to cry.

His eyes narrowed behind his glasses and he snared.
"The FUCK did you just call me? Repeat that one more time.. I didn't hear ya."
"Why? Are your ears so clogged with the ego that controls you that you can't even hear the person you told you'd love forever?"

His breathing grew heavy as he grew from angry to fucking pissed.
His tail came up and slapped my chest, pushing me back in shock as his hands grabbed my arms and he pinned me against a wall. His breath was beating onto my face as I shut my eyes tight, tears forming. His grip was so strong it felt like my bones would shatter.


I Held myself together.
Even if my eyes burned.
Even if my arms were bruising.
Even if my face was covered in steaming tears.
I held myself together and looked him right in his eyes.

"First, You're going to let me go before one click of a button and your ass in being dragged away. Secondly, you're ego and honest beliefs that you're better than everyone has caught up to you. Now your friends hate you, and they know what your like. Now, they can't defend your destructive actions. They know you lash out and hit and punch and scratch. And they know I do everything in my power to prevent that. So if I leave this room and they find me.. who do you think they're going to side with? The gator that's infamously known for causing destruction, or his boyfriend who's the only link holding the chain together. You think of an answer yourself." He starred at me before growling and letting go. I packed What few clothes I had into my duffel bag and headed for the door.

I looked at him from over my shoulder before leaving.
"I know you Monty.. you think that because you're hot, you can manipulate people into staying with you no matter what. But you know, my ex was a lot worse than you. Looks like you're still not number one."
I chuckled as he clenched his fist and looked away from me before saying anything.

I walked out of his room and almost collapsed. My legs were shaking violently and I could hardly see through my tears.
I heard Monty yell in anger before large crashes came from his room and glass breaking.
I didn't want to stick around to see the end results of that so I started walking. And as I walked.. I hated. I didn't hate Monty..

"I'm not gay" (Monty x male reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon