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"Lilly, how about this?" Jungkook asked me while showing his new self made weapon, his tail swayed and his ears twitched with excitement.

The kitchen knife which tied on a wooden stick.

As a gamer and a person who like to watch horror movies especially zombie genre. People like him lot have imagined for days like this. So, he preparing for fight zombies. Beside him taehyung watching him and trying to create new weapons as well. He tieing the knifes handle look like double edged beval. And Beomseok, he stared them and tried to create something interesting but, he miserably failed in process of making it. Their ears stood straight and their tails swayed slow, taehyung's patting the floor while swayed it.

Beomseok is not interested but, still followed me and stuck here. Taehyung with curiosity and his find it interesting to make something.

"Isn't it cool?" He asked me and showing his creation front my face.

"I prefer bats" I personally think bats and swords are effective in apocalypse. Because, gun attract more zombies and I like to maintain safe distance between zombies.

"Bats? How can those creatures help you?" Taehyung asked me clueless.

"Baseball bats!" Beomseok corrected.

"Ohh..." Taehyung.

"I have a doubt?" Jungkook randomly.

"What is it?" Taehyung asked him.

I can guess, he going to ask something that no one can answer.

"If a vampire and zombie bite eachother who will turn who?" Jungkook asked him thinking deep.

"Why you're my friend?" I judging Lilly's choice of friendship.

"What the hell!" Beomseok frowned.

"That's good question!" Taehyung begin to think. I confused, which question he mentioned.

"I'm done with you guys" I stood up and walked away from them.

"Where you're going?" Beomseok stood and tried to follow.

"Don't" I warned him before walking further toward door.

"Jin called you guys" namjoon told while he coming inside jungkook's room. "And he searching for knives" said looking at the two youngers.

"I didn't took them" I told walking past him.

"Don't tell him" I heared jungkook's voice behind me. I'm sure, eventually find and a war going to happen inside the house. I just wish no zombies attracted to the noise.

"Yahh.... Who the hell took all those knives damn" I heared seokjin who yelling from somewhere with frustration.

"I'm not" jungkook yelling back from his room.

"If I don't die in zombies teeth, then I gonna die because of these idiots" I mumbled walking toward backyard of the house.

The pool which connects with padio inside th garden. The wide opening which calling for danger. Everything seems very smooth and fine. But, my insticts telling something is wrong.

"Jeon Jungkook!" Seokjin yelling loud.

Suppose they are calling problems to find them.

"Why you these idiots loud and noisy?" I mumbled under breath.

It's frustrating. Not knowing about future but, expecting something is torture.

Why the fucking story didn't go on it's way?.

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