Kai hesitated, his gaze fixed on the training ground outside. The words seemed caught in his throat, as if the weight of what he wanted to say held him back. Sensing his student's reluctance, Master Wu took a decisive step.

Wu: "Come with me."

Without waiting for a response, Master Wu led Kai to his room. The door creaked open, revealing a space that reflected the sensei's calm and collected demeanor. Kai hesitated at the doorway, his eyes scanning the room almost nervously.

Wu: "Sit."

Kai entered cautiously, choosing a seat across from Master Wu. His fidgeting did not go unnoticed by the wise sensei, who could sense the undercurrent of anxiety in his student's demeanor.

Wu: "Kai, you're safe here. You can speak your mind without fear of judgment."

Kai's gaze flickered around the room, absorbing the details almost as if assessing escape routes. Wu noted the tension in his shoulders, a silent indicator of the internal struggle Kai was facing.

Wu: "I'm here to help, not to pry. But if you're not ready to talk, let me at least tend to the physical wounds that linger."

Kai's eyes met Wu's, a mix of gratitude and wariness in their depths. Wu moved to a drawer, retrieving healing supplies. He explained calmly, "I want to check the bruising on your neck. No need to be alarmed; I won't touch you without your consent."

Kai nodded, a subtle acknowledgment, though his body tensed as Wu approached. Master Wu took a gentle but observant approach, making sure Kai felt a semblance of control over the situation. As he examined the bruising, he maintained a quiet presence, respecting the unspoken boundaries yet conveying a message of support.

Wu: "You've endured much, Kai. Healing takes time, both physically and emotionally. Whenever you're ready to share your thoughts, I'll be here to listen."

The dinner table buzzed with a lively exchange of words and laughter as the team gathered for a well-deserved meal. The clinking of utensils against plates and the aromatic symphony of Zane's cooking created an atmosphere of warmth and camaraderie. Kai, however, sat amidst the lively chatter with a reserved demeanor, his thoughts drifting elsewhere.

As the conversations flowed around him, Nya, seated beside Kai, nudged him playfully. "Hey, Kai, you've been unusually quiet tonight. Everything alright?"

Kai offered a small smile. "Yeah, just lost in thought, I guess. It's good to be back, though."

Cole, seated across from Kai, chimed in. "Well, we missed your fiery personality, Kai. It's not the same without your sarcastic remarks."

Kai chuckled, the brief moment of camaraderie lifting the heaviness that lingered within. "I'll try to bring back the sarcasm then. Wouldn't want you all getting too sentimental."

Jay, always the jokester, joined in. "Sentimental? Us? Never!"

As the conversation shifted to recent missions and plans for the future, Kai found himself drawn into the orbit of his friends' banter. Yet, beneath the surface, a quieter struggle persisted.

As the others chatted about recent events and plans for the future, Kai discreetly pulled out his phone under the table, typing a message to Neuro.

Kai: "Hey, how's Griffin doing? I didn't have his number, and I've been meaning to check in."

While waiting for a response, Kai picked at his food. The aroma of Zane's cooking, once a comfort during tough times, now seemed to linger with a sense of unease. Despite missing it terribly in captivity, the act of eating became a struggle for him. Each bite felt heavy, almost undeserved.

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