Zombie jard in school

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"Sir, speak English."
"Sir, you attacked the teacher, harm students, almost blew up the school, tried to eat students, and you have not paid!"
"I will kick you out if you continue this behavior-

Jard attacked the principal, rip her limbs and ate some of her organs. Blood was dripping out of her body, jard got up and went back to his class.

A few hours later, police sirens came. The officers investigate the school, seeing bodies of everyone who was at school, they tried to find who did this. There wasn't a evidence of who murderer everyone, they called for a medic for the injured people who could be alive. 

"Do you think it's a cannibal doing this?"
"Probably, there are bite marks on the bodies."
"What about a cannibalism scientist?"
"Well there's a green substance on the ground going to each classroom, don't you think so?"
"Just because it's green doesn't mean they are a scientist."
"This is all confusing why would they even do this?"
"We keep investigating, we might find more clues."
"Alright if you say so."

Parents are sad and concerned, news were all over the place, night guards are all over the night shift. Some people made it alive in the hospital, some wasn't so lucky to made it. There were so many theories about this.

Some say it was a cannibal
A murderer
A scientist who went crazy
An insane person
A Serial killer
A mentally insane person

Or just a simple student who went insane of school,
No one really knows who the person was. Students stick in groups in case something like that happens.

With the group
"..well that happen..."
"Who you think the person could be :0"
"A Mentally insane person."
"So you did it? >:0"
"What? It's true! >:/"
"Whatever where's jard anyways? He been missing for a day."
"Do you wanna go and find him? :)"
"Sure, how bad could it be?"

The two got up from the couch and walks out of the base, they look at some places jard could be. They went to galf shop because he almost hangs out there everyday.

"Hey Ava and bobo! Whatcha in for today?"
"Nothing much just need the one in debt."
"Oh, jard isn't here."
"Huh? Wdym? He almost comes here everyday! :("
"Well he isn't here now."
"Oh crap he might have gone missing bobo-

Bobo grabs Ava hand and runs out of the store looking for jard everywhere, calling out his name till it was midnight. There was no luck in finding him, the two went home to find rebel standing in front of the door.

"Where have you two been?!"
"Rebel we been looking for jard!"
"Okay so? It doesn't explain why you just disappear out of nowhere! Gosh jeez you had us three worried."
"Yeah that aside we couldn't find jard! >~<"
"Oh well, it's midnight go to bed."
"Rebel we are not children-
"You guys are 16 and 15."
"Yeah go to bed."

With zombie jard

"Oh my literal god you can't be more louder than before."
"Shut up! I don't care if you need help or not!"
"Oh you wanna go home? WELL TOO BAD IM NOT HELPING!"

Zombie jard tried to attack angry munci but angry munci just simply stop him.

"I will help if you only leave me alone okay?"
Zombie jard nods yes quickly before angry munci picks him up and puts him on his shoulders, giving him a piggy back ride. Angry munci ran in front of the base before entering in, placing jard down in his room before knocking him out.
"That should do the trick."
Before he left he stole some sodas from someone room and then left.

Morning time!

Bobo woke up to see jard watching him.
"Jard! You're back! :D"
Bobo gets up and hugs jard as jard hugs back.
"Yay I'm so happy your back! :3 I gotta tell Ava about this!"
Bobo brings jard to Ava room breaking into it.
"Ava I found jard!"
"Huh?.. nice-
Ava sits up from her bed and see green goo is coming from his eyes and mouth.
"Yes? :3"
"No? D:"
"Omlg- I'm gonna smack the living green out of him."
"Don't! :("
Ava slaps jard so hard that he turn into his normal self.
"...they are arguing again.. :<"

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