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"Bobo this is not funny... where are you?!"
"Bobo please just a answer! Just anything! Anything! I just want you stay alive with me..."
I hug Bobo as he ran up to me and hug me, oh how I was so worried about him.
"Bobo where were you I was so worried!"
I look at him to just see blood on my hands, my eyes open wide in shock. I look around to see a flashing place, somewhere similar before I see a area and no longer a black void. To just see Bobo laying on the ground with blood coming out.
", no no NO NO NO NO!"
I went onto the ground and held Bobo into my arms checking if he at least alive.
"Bobo! Please just stay with me!"
I look around to see a green sword... I remember that.. it was when I was infected I....
My voice breaks.
"I'm so sorry..."
I broke down in tears for a loss for my best friend. Why? Why does this have to happen? Why him out of all people? Why do I have to suffer like this...

Why do I?...

No one povs :

Jard. This is all your fault.

Y̵̛̱̣̬̮̮̼̰͌̍̕Ọ̷̡̫̹͙̪̗̘̖̏̇Ũ̵͎̦̫̈́̔̐͝ ̶̨̧͉̳̫̳̂͘O̶͚͈͑͆̔̋̍̐̌̄̓͝Ṉ̴̨̤̘̯͑͋̾L̵̨̹̪̺͗͌̏́͂̔̆̐̈Y̴̥̮̞̻̞̖̥̏͊̽̍̔͘ ̸̢̨̂̅Ĥ̴͎̦͖̏̾̊̀̋̃̏̑A̵̡̤͇̳̣͕̝͔̱̣͊Ḑ̸̫̀̉̃ ̴̞̱̲͒̐̄Y̸̰̥̣̙̤͍͎̒͋̃́̐̄̀̑̕Ọ̵̬̲̺̳̐̈̑̂̋U̸͎͕̱̦̭̮̦̦̔̒͋̀̆͋̈́̐͝Ṛ̴̜̣͉̗̻̱̞͙̐̇̕S̶͇̟͚̞̱̼͈͔͙̆̅Ę̵͓͎̺̘̻̣͓͚͠L̸͈̘̩̬̪͗̑F̷̯̋̕͠ ̴̣̟̣̖͈̯͎̖̈́̿̄̿̓̇̇̓T̵̯̰͇̀̔̈́͘̚O̸͈̥͋͗͐̀ ̸̢̹̞̭̙͖͙̐̀͝B̸̞͆́͆L̷͇͓̲̲͔̄̊̅͆̅̍͌͗͐͘A̷͍͆̏M̴̨̛͎͓̱̝͔̝̎̓̅̓́̅͆͘̕͜E̶̦͑

Jard woke up after that voice, as he looked around his room to just see Ava standing at his doorway watching him.

"Oh what do you want now bitch?..."
"Hey! Let's not use harsh language around here!"
"Whatever... what do you want? Colas, my hat, life, my money I been saving up for college?"
"Silly! I heard you being loud in your bedroom."
"Did you really think I don't care about you?"
"Come on, despite me bullying you 24/7, I still care about you."
"So.... Will I be getting my live savings back?"
"...uh, want to buy a drink?"
"We have colas..."
"I meant other drinks doofus!"
"Oh, like what?"
"Idk milkshake, something like that."
"...I think a milkshake sounds fine."
"Sure! I invite bobo if you want!"
"Yes please.."
"Alright get ready for tomorrow at 12:47 pm!"
"Alright... also what time is it?.."
"Its 1:03 am! Why?"
"Why are you awake at this hour?..."
"... goodnight debt man!"

Ava closes the door leaving Jard in his room alone, Jard just sigh and lay back on bed and went back to bed in peace.

(Inspired by in love through screen, chapter [Nightmare Comfort] by PKN, go check them out!)

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