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Jard and rose was at the kitchen tryna to cook something since bobo was hungry.

"Jard why do we even need to cook for bobo? Isn't he 15?"
"He burnt the kitchen trying to make cereal."
"... what."
"Don't ask me how he just did."
"Well what should we make him?"
"I honestly don't know."
"I thought you two were best friends?"
"Yeah but he almost eat sweets and it's the morning, he go insane whenever he gets sweets in the morning."
"Oh uh Lemme think..."

With bobo

"Bobo I know please just tugging on my sleeves-
"Is jard and rose awake??? :3"
"Uhh I don't know I take a look around the house."
They both took a look around the house.
"Oh they are in the kitchen-
"Jeez- bobo calm down we are think of what you want!"
"Can I have Macaroni and cheese? :D"
"... sure."

After cooking bobo breakfast he eats it happily, Jard and rose just look at each other.

"Did we just spent a long time thinking about what he wants for a hour?"
"Yes. Yes we did"

(Yesterday was my bday btw and sorry if it's short! I have no idea what to write)

Head canons + art + other stuff igNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ