11: bonus chapter

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"My Queen, I deeply regret that I must forbid your entry." Farah expressed in apology as I cast a despairing and desperate glance at her.

My attention was immediately captured by the sound of Sade's wail of agony, and I witnessed a flurry of movement as more maidens came in and out of Sade's room as they offered assistance while she bore the pain of labor.

"You are almost there, beautiful. Keep pushing."

I heard Bilaal say in a soothing voice from the otherside of the door before I heard Bilaal silently begin to sing Sade's favorite tunes.

Yet another cry of pain from Sade broke the lull in the air, eliciting a wince from me as the weight of her pain bore down upon me.

Sade's cries only added to the sense of worry and urgency that I felt. The helplessness I felt was unbearable, but I could only listen and wait while Sade endured her labor pains in another room, the sound of her pain reverberating through the palace.

A sense of calmness filled the room as the cries of pain from Sade gradually fell to silence, forcing Farah and I to direct our attention towards the bedroom.

Before we knew it, we heard the poignant sound of a newborn baby's small cry filling us with a sense of joy. The gentle sound of the baby's cry brought a smile to my face, and a tear slowly rolled down my cheek as I savored the moment and felt a pang of happiness and hope.

"My Queen."Farah whispered after a moment, drawing me out of my reverie and making me face her once again.

She offered me a small smile and stepped aside, allowing me to finally step into the room where Sade lay, cradling our newborn child in a blanket.

Nakia and Bilaal sat nearby, smiling at the sight of their friend embracing her new baby. Sade's face was still drenched with sweat but her eyes glowed with happiness as she cradled our baby and wept silently, her expression betraying the joy she felt in the midst of her exhaustion.

The maidens offered me the traditional Wakandan salute as they vacated the room, including Nakia and Bilaal who hugged me tightly before following the others.

Once the room was empty with just Sade and I, a sudden silence settled over the space. Sade looked up at me, tear-streaked face glowing with joy as she cradled the newborn child close to her body.

After a moment of joyful silence, Sade spoke up with a cracked voice, most likely from all the screaming she had done during labor.

"Come and meet her." she said, her tone soft as she invited me to lean in closer so I could get a better look at our baby. I smiled at her invitation and knelt carefully beside the bed, unable to avert my gaze from the miracle we had just created.

Sade chuckled softly and teased me, "My Queen, you need to hold her." Sade carefully handed me our baby and I couldn't help but stare in amazement.

When Sade handed me the baby, I sat down in a nearby chair and cradled the newborn in my arms, my heart racing with happiness and awe.

Our baby opened her eyes and looked between Sade and I, and at the sight of our faces, she let out an adorable giggle, further tugging at the strings of our heart. I smiled with joy as I held our precious little girl in my arms.

As my heart swelled with pride and affection for the miracle in my arms, a soft chuckle escaped my lips as I teased, "Bast, I pray she remains this tiny and adorable."

Sade responded with a warm giggle before adding, "I hope so too because I just know she's going to be a sassy teenager as you were." I playfully kissed my teeth and rolled my eyes at her, and a teasing smile broke out on her face before she said, "I stand corrected."

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