Reasons why i don't believe Bloodmoon deserves a redemption.

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Yes i am talking abt this again
No i am not attacking ppl who like bloodmoon as a villain, i do, however, not like ppl who defend his actions. This is a heads up, i am fine with ppl who will kindly argue with me why they should get a redemption.
^art made by me :3^

1. The last episode (Earth is in danger?!)
Bloodmoon injures Earth severely, and when Lunar asks what he did to her they said "we didn't like the way she talked" which i find a shitty reason.

2. He broke Lunars arm
Yes i am bringing this up again, i just get so angry with Bloodmoon because of that episode. Lunar finally got mostly over his trauma and then BM is like: nuh uh. Which i hate.

3. He threatened to k!ll sun, moon, lunar, earth, and solar
This is one of the main reasons why he made sun snap and k!ll him, he threatened to this in the past and also still now. They made a deal with Solar that after getting a new body they wouldn't try to hurt them, and guess what? He broke that deal! And please don't come up with "solar broke his part of the deal too" no he didn't, his part was fixing BM's body and helping him defeat Ruin.

4. His "trauma" is almost nonexistent
"He was used his entire life by everyone"
so? I don't care?

Seriously though, you cannot tell me that's a good reason for his actions. He also used the ppl who used them to get blood. Lunar using him -> same time, BM using him || KC using him -> BM also using him || Ruin using them -> BM ALSO USING HIM
which brings me to my last reason abt Bm themselves:

5. He barely has a personality
Likes: blood
Looks: blood
Fav color: blood red
That is his entire personality
He doesn't want anything but destroying ppls lives and having blood.

Reasons why I don't like ppl that defend him.

1. They use his "trauma" as an excuse
Which is bs in my opinion since he barely even has it.

2. They can be very toxic abt other characters
I alr mentioned one time that i heard someone praise BM for snapping Lunars arm.
Like, i get it, you can't like every character. But enjoying it while they're suffering is weird.

3. They don't care that he is evil
MOST of them don't care abt the fact that he k!lled a lot of ppl and ruined and traumatised TSAMS and LAES


Alr that was this chapter!
Hope you have a good day / night! <33

Doei! / bye!

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