Characters analysis

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Basically every TSAMS character with their analysis :3

Anger issues
Trauma from old moons abuse, which is why he still compares new moon to old moon.
Germaphobe and uses cleaning as a coping system when stressed and when he is thinking or reliving trauma.
More stressed and anxious lately bc of BM returning.

Hates being compared to his old self, especially by sun since he hates how Old Moon treated Sun.
Handles stress with anger and by working day and night. (New moon less than old moon)
Reason he is still as aggressive as old moon is because he still has old moons code, basically his personality, he doesn't have his memory and his killcode but he still has some part of old moon.

Is an adult but acts like a child bc he is age regressing (this is caused by trauma so it's logical right?)
Running a lot bc he was running from eclipse before he died.
PTSD from both eclipses abuse and BM breaking his arm.

Abandonment issues
Doesn't like it that he was left behind by everyone he created which is why he kept solar flare in his head.
Abusive since he was made out of moons Killcode.

BM twins:
Act like 14 year old boys going through puberty
Anger issues, psychopaths
They don't have an actual personality beside from their bloodlust, you fans can scream at me all you want but he was made to kill, idc abt KC's redemption. They don't do anything beside killing and tormenting the others, they aren't getting a redemption, end of story.

KC, computers, forkface, solar flare:
Idk anything about them sorry, i am also lazy and it's 1AM

Bipolar, Multiple Identity's disorder, psychopath
Fusion of old moon and sun.
Smart and definitely have a goal that we don't know about yet.

Alr that's it for now, i hope you guys enjoyed! <33

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