Chapter 26

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"A kiss is something more than the first sensual contact of two bodies; it is the breathing forth of two enamoured souls." Teleny 111

Ever since James said, "I love you" for the first time, and Regulus said it back, they seem unable – and unwilling - to utter anything else to each other.

Regulus didn't think he could feel as much love and warmth as he does when James whispers it to his ear.

While nothing seems to be able to dampen James' mood, Regulus keeps his sweetness exclusive to James. When he learns of Sirius' sudden departure from Gryffindor House, he isn't any less vicious to Remus than he would have been any other day.

James has to bodily hold him back so he doesn't attack Lupin. The butler looks a mess when he finally comes down to breakfast to tell them Sirius was gone. He must have cried his eyes out before coming down. Regulus doesn't care. Sirius didn't even say goodbye to him this time. Whatever Lupin has done, it hurt his brother so much that he ran from this house like it was burning behind him.

"What have you done?" Regulus yells at Lupin, who keeps clutching a piece of paper and doesn't look at him. "What have you done this time? How dare you hurt him again?"

James shushes him gently, holding him with his arms wrapped around his stomach. "Calm down. Shh, my Love. Calm yourself."

"No! Sirius keeps leaving because of him!"

James presses a kiss on his temple. "That's not really true. Why don't you go look at what the cats are doing? I talk to Remus. Please."

James somehow manages to push Regulus out of the room.

"You better watch your step," he hisses when he is led past Lupin. "There is no person left alive and unmarred who has ever hurt my brother. You won't be the first."

Lupin flinches away from him, pressing the paper to his chest.

"I'll find you later," James mumbles to Regulus when they are past the door. "Please, calm down, my darling. We'll get Sirius right back and fix this. I promise."

He shuts the door before Regulus can protest. He kicks against the wood. How dare they treat him like a common hysteric?

"Is everything alright, my Lord?" Pandora asks behind him. Regulus startles and turns to her. She is looking at him concerned, while carrying his coat somewhere.

"Pandora, did you notice my brother leaving the house?"

"Lord Sirius? I have met him in the corridors this morning. He was dressed, and I thought that odd because of the hour, but I didn't think to ask him about it."

Regulus grits his teeth. Sirius always said goodbye to him. "Inform the servants. Have someone inquire about the next train back to Lyopot. We are leaving before tonight."

"Yes, my Lord."

Regulus walks past her and up to Sirius' bedroom.

The bed is a mess. Everything else is suspiciously neat. Not a single personal item of Sirius's remained. He digs through the wardrobe and the drawers, hoping to find any sign that Sirius either comes back soon, said goodbye to him, or didn't go far.

Maybe he went back to the club. It is his most likely destination.

Last time Remus hurt him, Sirius went to Algeria. He doubts that the club is enough distance between him and the other man.

Finally, Regulus sits down with the kittens. When he enters his bedroom (the door is slightly ajar for the cats), he sees Thanatos on the bedside table, apparently trying to prey open the first drawer where Regulus hides his treats. Hélios is standing on his hind legs in front of the furniture, trying to reach the handle with his paws.

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