Chapter 23

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"I could have lived for some years in deadly sin with him, feasting upon his fascinating beauty." Teleny 57

Regulus wakes up a new man.

Feeling James' lips on his and being kissed like a proper lover fundamentally changed something about his person and his life. Although he hates change as a principle, he is humming with excitement about this change. It may be the first good one.

Regulus needs a long time to get ready this morning. He slept in after being escorted back to his rooms some time between night and morning.

Then he spent an hour telling Pandora every detail of the past evening while she dressed him and did his hair.

He only leaves his room when he is absolutely positive James would have to exercise the greatest self-restraint not to kiss him again.

He enters the breakfast room. James looks up at once. He takes him in, then smiles.

"Good Morning," Regulus says simply and takes to his breakfast.

"Morning," James sounds breathless. "You look very handsome this morning."

"Very handsome," Regulus repeats. "Isn't it early for such big compliments? How will you enhance those throughout the day?"

"Do not underestimate me. I have a diary, dreams, and an aversion to backing down from challenges."

Regulus passes him and touches his shoulder when he takes to his seat.

"Then I must look forward to how this day progresses."

James leans closer to him. "I'm looking forward to it too. Especially when you and I will spend every minute of it together."

Regulus smiles at him over his coffee. James moves his hand until he almost touches his wrist.

Regulus puts the coffee down and licks his lips. James watches him, which makes him chuckle, and James blushes in turn.

"Oh God!" Barty exclaims suddenly. Regulus has barely registered his presence at the table. "Did you finally fuck?!"

James chokes on his own spit and blushes even deeper.

Regulus looks at his friend, unimpressed. "No."

Barty squints at him. "Yes, you did."

"No. You are being crazy again."

"Yeah," James clears his throat. "You have spiders on your ceiling."

Regulus smiles to himself. Barty points his knife at him, then at James, and back. "Something happened between you two. I know it."

"Oui. Something happened." Regulus shrugs and turns back to his breakfast.

Barty frowns at him. "Fine. Don't tell me. I will just let my imagination run free."

James pulls a face. "Ew. I'd never do to him the perversions you're cooking up in that sideways brain of yours."

Barty looks at Regulus with a sigh. "My condolences."

Not that Regulus would ever admit it aloud, but he pities himself for James' words. He can only assume Barty thinks of the most fun things James could do with him.


After breakfast, Regulus and James make up a lie or two and escape their responsibilities and nosy staff until they are alone in the library.

James gets there first. He has his eyes locked on the entryway to the library when Regulus joins him.

The excitement is radiating off the man. He is excited for Regulus – excited to be in his presence. God, what an insane thought.

I adored you Madly, Extravagantly, Absurdly.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ