Chapter 5

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"Why didn't you tell me, Harry, that the only thing worth loving is an actress?" The Picture of Dorian Gray 95

The following two days pass without too much trouble. Today, Regulus decided to escape the people inside for a while and go for a walk in the gardens. There was a bit of snowfall during the night, but the gardeners cleaned up the paths around the land.

"My Lady," someone calls out to him a few minutes into his walk. Regulus presses his lips together and stops. He wants just one hour away from these people who keep calling him Lady and complimenting his dresses—one bloody hour.

It is the Baron's son who reaches him. He is a handsome young man about Regulus' age.

"Can I help you, Mr Crouch?"

"I was wondering whether you fancy some company."

Regulus looks back to the house behind them. "Well, you've come all this way, so, sure, do accompany me."

Barty smiles and offers his arm to him to make matters worse. Regulus accepts.

"I hope you didn't take Lady Rowena's words too much to heart the other day."

"I didn't."

"You vanished so quickly after dinner that I feared she got under your skin."

"By no means. I was simply feeling tired. I appreciate your concern."

Crouch smiles. "From what I have seen from your mother the past days, I assume you are used to certain comments. That is good. You need a thick skin if you deal with people like that all the time. I remember we had a proper dance two years ago, and James invited some girl from town. I think he fancies himself the prince in Cinderella. Lady Rowena ripped that girl to shreds. She started at her hair and worked her way down over her face, dress, and shoes. She can be lucky that she didn't get to see her stockings."

"You mean Lily Evans?"

"I don't remember her name. James was mad for her. Said, he could never love another as much as her. He wanted to marry her, the daughter of a gallery owner from the town. Can you imagine?"


"Oh, I apologise. I shouldn't have spoken like this about your husband's former courtships. I hope I didn't shock you with my account of the other woman."

Regulus smiles to himself. "I am sorry to disappoint, but you won't be able to infuriate me with this sort of thing."

"Who says I wish to infuriate you, my Lady? I wouldn't dare."

"Maybe. But you want to get James into trouble."

Crouch licks his lip and then smirks at him. "Forgive a man for wanting a little fun."

"You missed the fun, unfortunately. I have met Lily Evans. She made a proper scene in my sitting room when she learned about the marriage. I hope that satisfies your thrill-chasing for now."

"Absolutely not. You must tell me every bit of it."

"I shall not. I suppose you will have to get your information the old-fashioned way: the town's gossip."

"You are breaking my heart."

Regulus shakes his head. He doesn't dislike Mr Crouch.

"Tell me: What is the connection between the Crouch and Potter families?"

"Nothing dramatic, old friendships. You see, my great-grandfather was the best friend of James' great-grandfather. He lived here at Lioncrest, and they did everything together. Then, of course, their children grew up here together and became best friends. My grandfather moved out of the house upon his marriage, while my great-grandfather stayed here until his death. He just wouldn't leave the side of the Earl." He rolls his eyes dramatically. "Be that as it may, my grandfather stayed lifelong friends with the deceased Earl, and my father is a friend of the current Earl. We are considered honorary family, I suppose."

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