chapter 4

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Kinn hurriedly went to is room he broke everything in is room tear are flowing from kinn's eyes he looked at is hand started to hit on the wall why did i slap him why did i hurt him he was crying because of me I'm sorry porsche I'm sorry i didn't mean to hurt you I'm sorry.It's been a 2 days kinn didn't came out of the room he locked him self in is room.

Kinn can't take it anymore he want see porsche he can't live without him he came out of the room he was looking like madman he took is car went to porsche's condo he knock the door but there is no response. He asked one of the neighbour who close to porsche she told he went his father's house kinn didn't wait. Kinn was driving fastly bang kinn's car got accident kinn didn't wait a second he came out of the car started to run he want to see his porsche. He went Porsche's house door was open kinn enter he saw porsche sitting on cold floor kinn looked at him porsche kinn called him in low voice. Porsche got up from the floor he didn't say anything. Kinn followed him porsche I'm sorry i didn't mean to hurt you my father he threatened me that he will kill you if I'm not broke up with you I'm sorry porsche. kinn looked at porsche. Porsche went sit on the couch he didn't say anything porsche please talk to me kinn said about hold porsche's hand kinn gasped in horror kinn's hand came out of porsche's hand. Porsche please talk to me please porsche I'm scared please talk to me kinn was screaming infront of porsche but he didn't get any kind of reaction from porsche's face. Did i die kinn understand that he was dead. Kinn was crying why why why kinn was screaming he looked at porsche he took a bag went out of the house. Kinn was broken he just followed porsche. porsche went to the nearest hospital kinn looked at him porsche are you sick why are going in hospital kinn asked porsche. he didn't get any answer porsche waiting outside kinn sat near him doctor called Porsche checked him your alright mr pachara nurse take him to the ultrasound check up. Kinn dumbfounded he followed porsche. Porsche lyied on bed nurse applied gel on porsche's stomach started to scan sir see this is your baby that nurse showed a black dot. Kinn gasped collapsed on the floor porsche was pregnant why didn't he tell me. Kinn looked at the dot he was crying nurse went from there porsche stayed like that on bed tears flowing from porsche's eyes he was sobbing kinn looked at him porsche don't cry please I'm sorry please I'm sorry this is all my fault I'm sorry. Kinn was crying porsche wiped tear got up from the bed he went to the doctor. baby is alright i will write you some vitamin tablets  take care eat properly mr pachara come monthly check up. Thank you doctor said porsche went from there kinn followed him porsche went pharmacy took tablets went grocery shop bought some groceries porsche why are carrying so much don't you know your pregnant give it to me said kinn about grab groceries he stopped and looked at porsche silently followed him.

Porsche went to the kitchen he started to cook kinn's favourite dish kinn looked at him. Porsche was eating kinn looked at him porsche dropped spoon moved plate away from tears flowing from porsche's eyes he went the bedroom lyied on bed he slept while sobbing kinn looked at him his heart paining see porsche like this he lyied beside porsche I'm sorry porsche it's all my fault.

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